
Time to stop the Crab

This nonsense about a minimum sum to be retained in the CPF or a compulsory annunity should be stopped once for all. Not everyone is an idiot or dependent on such a scheme to live their lives. Give people the option to withdraw everything at 55 and manage their own lives. If need be, let them sign a form to refuse any state assistance should they become destitute in the future. Anyone signing the form will be held solely responsible for his own life and finances. They cannot turn back to the state and if they do the state can throw back the signed document to them. Anyway this country does not believe in welfare and everyone is expected to provide for themselves. Why should the people be deprived of their hard earned money by some legislation?


  1. In the 50's and 60's old people never want handouts because they have their pride. If you ask an old or poor person to go to the social welfare department to ask for aid, they will brush you aside. They feel ashamed.

    Nowadays I am not so sure if people still have that kind of pride, so it is questionable whether they will still ask the Government for help after spending their CPF money, whatever kind of undertaking or forms they sign.

  2. Redbean, what shoudl be stopped is your tired whining about minimum sum. Get this into your ultra-thick head. It has been announced during the ND rally, so it will happen and become law, no matter how much you or anyone else whine and gripe about it here or in coffeeshops around Singapore. The way I see it there is only one way to opt-out of this scheme, and that is to give up your citizenship. If you don't have the guts or ability to do that, then just accept your fate.

  3. agree with annony that redbean is sounding like a long winded and troubled whiner.. who knows, perhaps he already has tots of making that trip to immigration soon.. things that doesnt go according to one's liking isnt necessary crap. that's the hard facts of life, grow up bradder.

  4. many singaporeans had left in the 60s and 70s because they were defeatists, defeated. and this is the same in malaysia. many chose the easier way, get out and start anew.

    but this is home. this is where i belong. if all the singaporeans just accept the dictates of any elected govt of the time, then soon this place will be populated by new singaporeans.

    i may be a voice in the wilderness. but it is still a voice in the cacophony of noise. let the noise be heard.

    the unthinking masses will always be the unthinking masses. the sheeple. bleah : )

  5. Redbeanee, we thought matilah takes fancy poking his tiny weenie in sheeps..

    Aha! U've got a friend!

    But we heard Mati has hauled his ass out of Singkie land now leh..


  6. but this is home. this is where i belong. if all the singaporeans just accept the dictates of any elected govt of the time, then soon this place will be populated by new singaporeans.

    steady, redbean. this is what i want to hear. beaten to death also wont run, like rottweilers.

  7. like I always say, my dear red bean & all frens:

    It's NOT pah see buay zao. Beaten on ferociously to point of death but still staying put.

    It IS this:
    Pah see bo panghuat zao!
    Beaten on ferociously to pint of death but no means no way has no ability to run & escape!

    Since that day this pah see buay zao phrase was spoken, my better perspective has been truer thru the years!! :P

  8. you are right. many want to zao but can't. but many would be better off staying put and make this land their home and they the owners of this land.

    people should not jump ship and ended up in the deep blue sea.

  9. Those who left are not defeatists. They are realists. There is no way you can win against this government. The ones who insist on fighting are the stupid ones. For all their efforts, they will only end up with broken heads.

  10. End up with broken heads hurts.
    It's ending up with broken hearts that's really distressing.

    Learn. Let's move on ahead. :)

  11. You can still live with a broken heart, unlike a broken head.

  12. On top the head or below the head? ;P

  13. The head on top for red beanie.
    The head below for matilah.

  14. after a few knocks we should get to know each other better and be buddies.

  15. But watch it, red beanie, don't U try hitting below the belt ok..

    That'll be where the head below is!

    Urgghh!! :-P

  16. can you raise your belt higher please : )

  17. to chao is to end the agony on both sides. you chao to get away from your unhappiness but to them is that their unhappiness is also being gotten rid of by itself. you gave up your homeland becos of the unhappiness for which they do not care and you say is not defeatist.
