
Quotes by Hsien Loong

"I don't want to have anybody who is 85 years old or 90 years old and say ‘my CPF finished, I have no insurance, and now I need to live. And I have nobody to look after me… then what happens?" PM Lee Hsien Loong Now how to make sure that everyone will have money at those queer ages? Take their money first and keep them till they reach 85. Its elementary. The people must provide for themselves. There is no charity. Problem solved.


  1. The fabric of society is destroyed, re-built it... having to go to 85 to 90 & without a penny... His old man has caused this problem, the break up of the family structure is the cause...

    Did you see this problem 30 years ago when most of us were kids, did u see your grandparents go hungry??

    Did you see anyone left behind?? There is always a good support with-in the community..

    Malays has retained most of this extended support network, go learn from them, it will bring us a long way, having to force us to save is quite meaningless, when we all know too well all our saving will become bananaise when we are old.

    Try to re-build the support network, not invent new ways.

    This force savings makes u think that the treasury is emptied and the government is in desperate mode to try to get more money from the people.... SIGH

  2. Well, you choose to live in Singapore, so you must accept the decision of your govt. This is the govt you voted into power, so stop bitching and accept what they dish out. If you do not like it so much, why don't you get out and live somewhere more to your liking??

    There are always other alternatives.

  3. Red beanie, U are bitching is it?


  4. Red beanie, U've got some paid companions here..


  5. first, some of you may be foreigners and not understand what a democracy is all about. in a democracy we don't overthrow govt by a coup or a revolution. we use the vote. and there is also the freedom of expression. in fact the govt itself invited the people to speak up.

    we are all doing our part. a mature society demands that its citizens and politicians be mature and talk about issues. only backward country and backward people cannot appreciate such virtues of a highly developed democracy. if singaporeans think that this is bitching, then they do not deserve to be in the first world.

    and in singapore there is no crutch mentality. nobody expects the govt to look after them. even this minimum sum and compulsory annuity, it is singaporeans looking after themselves with their own money. no handouts.

    anyone that is able is looking after himself. only the lost generation and a small minority of those reckless and couldn't care less people would fall by the way side. and this is no reason why so many able and responsible people should be punished with their money locked up.

    but sheeples will think that this is a good thing. they do not think they can look after themselves and need the sheep dog to chase them around. for those who need sheepdog, let them be.

    it is really a shame for a country that brags about being first world, having bright and highly educated populace but got to compel and dictate the people's life till pass 85.

    shame is the word. hear the proud parents telling the world, my son is a graduate or a scholar. but he cannot manage his own money.

    how ridiculous can we become?

  6. that's for sure. but i expect them to think and be responsible and not mindless machines.

    there are people who take up jobs as killers. some as toilet cleaners. what is important is that their conscience is clear. that they have a conscience and would not simply collect the money and just do as they are told.

    what is the difference between such people and those employed by the loan sharks to harrass debtors?

  7. One thinks they owe the boss.
    The other really owe$ the boss!

    Where's matilah singapura to help you out, Red Bean?


    Someone help Red Bean!!

  8. I think PM Lee should resign. He deserves a better life.

    I also don't think these policies sit well with his conscience, and its better not to curse future generations.

  9. in a democracy we don't overthrow govt by a coup or a revolution. we use the vote.

    Very good, Redbean. But you should also know that democracy is about the rule of the majority. The majority of those who voted in May last year chose this government, so everyone now has to live by and accept the policies dished out by this government. The government is not being paternalistic or overbearing. To put it crudely, they are just covering their backsides because there are people who wil blow their CPF savings away on young, nubile chinese mei meis or a weekend gambling spree in Genting or Star Cruises, and then at the end of it will blame the government for not doing anything. If you want someone to blame, blame these people.

  10. Where's that shit-mouth of a coward matilah singapura? Come out when you're needed. Like now!!!

  11. When the Government needs a scolding you can count on him.

  12. Give the super talent a another chance to fix the problem with another problem which is left for next generation of super talent to solve with another super talented problem, just like the current one, the father breaks the social fabric and the son fix with a super talented solution, which may end up as a super problem for future super talent facing the banana notes problem.

  13. THIS is for quoting me!!


  14. You bet I can understand the dilemna, but then ultimately who is responsible for the old folks who are downtrodden and needy? Is it the state, the instituitions, the charitable, religious and independent welfare organisations?

    Should it remain a grey area where reponsibility and obligation do not have to be clearly defined?

    If it is indeed the state's responsibility, then what's so wrong abt providing crutches for your own who is in desparate need? We are not going to be devoid of compassion and humanity becos of some stubborn old policy are we?

  15. If your problem is with the italians,

    then this may be what you have been missing.


  16. "I don't want to have anybody who is 85 years old or 90 years old and say ‘my CPF finished, I have no insurance, and now I need to live. And I have nobody to look after me… then what happens?" PM Lee Hsien Loong

    So what?

    Why are you motherfuckers making such a fuss?
