
Orchard Road ERP rates up

Effective 6 Aug, 10 gantries around the Orchard Road area will go up by 50c. So affordable. And for motorcycles, even less, only 25c. And buses and goods vehicles will only go up by 75c and $1. And good news, all other gantries will have no hikes. Singaporeans are so lucky that the rates are going up by so affordable amount during such good times. Now I will totally avoid Orchard Rd and spend more time polishing my car in the car park. Cars are meant to be parked in the car park. See my new hobby, car polishing car admiring.


Anonymous said...

The word 'affordable' must be the most abused word in Sing-a-poor. When you hear of increases in anything, the work 'affordable' sounds like the chorus.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Be thankful it is 50¢ and not 5 dollars lah!

What did you expect? The fuckers have a monopoly lah. They can rape the collective anuses of the citizens at their whim....

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

orchard is our disneyland. you want to enjoy the beautiful fairy lights and feel the ambience of feeling good, go to orchard.