
TV broadcasting - Time for liberalisation

With Singtel and Starhub providing a full range of programmes in competition with Media Corp, and with more broadcasters and programme providers coming into the fray, it is time to discard the archaic TV Licensing Scheme where consumers have to pay $110 to a sole provider whose programmes are hardly what the consumers want. Let the consumers have the choice of who to pay the $110 to. Oh, it is to the govt, but at least let the consumers have the choice to pick the service providers. Why should consumers pay $110 for Media Corp programmes that they don't watch and pay extra to watch programmes from other service providers? Doesn't make sense right?


Anonymous said...

Why are Singtel & Starhub competing with mediacorp, they are telecommunication co. industry. They should merge long ago rather than created non-competition duplication business to feed those Top managements & shareholders. Shouldn't Mediacorp they themselves provide better media content instead of asking their own artists & foreigners to host charity show so frequently or the top management simply do not know how to run media corp. The MDA should remove TV licence tax long ago with current so many tax & increases. Since like peoples are demand to Pay and Pay to make them more wealthy. Therefore, S’porean do spend your money wisely.

Generally former Media Corp are own by Tax Payers & other facilities as well. They are not belong to Ah Gong lee where he transferred it to become privatised as so to claim more revenues as own success.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

maybe the plan is for media corp to focus on the profitable charity business. with so much money generated, they can afford not to depend on the tv licence fee.

Anonymous said...

TV licence is like COE lah

Anonymous said...

And the reality shows like "this and that superstar" where viewers send in SMS to vote is also a profitable business for Singtel.

Anonymous said...

i don't mind to pay TV Tax if they give us a free channel that run all the science shows, travel show, education shows. instead, they gives us Ah Beng & lian show, and many re-run old shows

These educating shows could benefit all ages; our elders, school children, and even those foriegn workers, maids,etc.

In one stroke, it could justify our country's claim as an education hub and science hub.

i don't know whether our elites are so short-sighted or purely don't care.

Anonymous said...

i don't know whether our elites are so short-sighted or purely don't care.

no lah they are neither, just short changing you by withholding your choices. look if they can charge you and there is nothing you can do abt that, why then do they give it to you free?

doesnt make sense if you dun have a choice right? if given a choice however i think most will be like you, abandon the damm tv station and not pay a penny for their idiot shows.

Anonymous said...

but that jack neo is a different, he's the govt's favorite national day model singaporean.

Anonymous said...

U mean that bapok liang po po ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

lets be real and go for real competition for good quality programme and services.

service providers must provide what the consumers want. value for money.