
Myth 155 Things Singaporeans believe in

Things Singaporeans believe in Singaporeans are believed to believe in these things. 1. The people fully support the high salaries of ministers and the reasons for it. 2. HDB flats, medical fees, and education are heavily subsidised. 3. The GST increase is to help the poorer Singaporeans and good for them. 4. Increasing the population to 6 million is good for the country. 5. Singaporeans lack talent and need foreign talents to help them to grow. 6. Inflation is very low. 7. All price and fee increases are affordable. 8. They will never save enough for their retirement. 9. The money in the CPF is their money. 10. They are better off than yesterday. 11. More good years to come. 12. No one is left behind. 13. We are moving forward together. 14. Singaporeans are honest and incorruptible when they are paid very well. 15. We have the best political system in the world. 16. They believe everything they read in the msm. 17. What else do Singaporeans believe in?


Anonymous said...

7% is the ultimate franchise fees everyone living in Spore Inc must gladly pay to make use of the facilities of the franchisor. Obviously the more traffic the better the income for the franchisor, and it is no more tourist's bucks that they are after but more constant and recurring income sources in the form of perm residences and new citizens. To a certain extent this is good for the country, and even if the shrewd ways it is done here may not be seen as ideal for everyone particularly the poor and aged, but look who is complaining. No problem dont worry lah.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i used to ask this question, as an employee, even a CEO, other than his bonus or some share options, the profit made is for the company. is there a need to squeeze the other employees for every dollar of profit?

what is the point of generating more revenue at the expense of the people's quality of life? revenue for what? monetary growth for what?

Speedwing said...

Also, Singaporeans believe that they must hoard as much money as possible before they die, just in case they need high medical expenses when they get old.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi speed,

you are getting to think like us. actually it is not the singaporeans who think that way. it is the cpf that thinks so.

hmmm, can the cpf think? it is just an institution.

Anonymous said...

someone told me the remisier king may donate his wealth to charity at the end.. if true, this will be a good eg for others to follow..

Anonymous said...

if you pay a franchise fee you wud want a choice of franchisors to select from.

only with more choices of political parties would one get the best ROI and maximum returns.

opposition parties that run out of ideas cud consider recruiting outspoken liberal thinking NEW CITIZENS for fresh perspectives.

good local ones have mostly been farmed already.

looking forward to even better yields with a great potpourri of choices.

Anonymous said...

Yes that will be nice! We will be celebrating our National Day soon. As a proud Singapore born and bred, my National Day wish is to see the emergence of more political parties with greater diversities so that this country can go from strength to strength...
Congratulations everyone!

Anonymous said...

Speedwing said...
Also, Singaporeans believe that they must hoard as much money as possible before they die, just in case they need high medical expenses when they get old.

July 26, 2007 4:38 PM

Hi Speed, you seems travelled, isnt this phenomenon the same everywhere? Thanks.

Speedwing said...

To a degree yes, it is the same everywhere. However, Singapore is quite unique. It has good medical facilities and quite pricey too. Lifespan is getting longer and people are naturally afraid to be without money for medical bills.

In UK we have the NHS. Although it is not as good as the facilities of Singapore, it is free and forms a safety net. Don't you think so?

Anonymous said...

I am not sure but I think perhaps a lack of safety net could be a twisted form of political control as is in seige mentality. I think it is easier to get things done, including getting voted in, when everyone is on their toes. Like after 9/11.

I always thought charity begins at home and that it is the sole duty of the tax collecting state to look after its sick and aged. When they said no one left behind and everyone moves forward together, just like the Marines espritdecorps, it sounded so magnimous initially so uplifting, but I got lost and confused the minute the speeches ended and they started arguing abt how little or more to pay the poor.

Over here, they have implanted the idea and convenient excuse that no one owes you a living, and they are proud of that. Isnt that SICK?

Anonymous said...

If you don't like it here, why don't you just pack up and leave??

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
If you don't like it here, why don't you just pack up and leave??
July 27, 2007 1:05 AM

brudder.. halo.. we are here to discuss issues that affect us with the hope that things will improve somehow.. and it is not abt staying or leaving.. you may or may not like my views .. but as vested "stakeholders" of this country we have the right to express DIFFERING views hor?

My view is simply this, the term civil service meant serving the country; hence it is the DUTY of the state to PROPERLY serve the poor, sick and aged; that premise "no one owes you a living" is therefore INCORRECT. Now how do you support the poor, do you pay them bits and then quickly close the issue with little room for discussions? These people really need MORE is what most of us here feels.

What's so wrong abt that view?

Anonymous said...

If I can work, earn and save for my old age, why can't they. We do not want the clutch mentality here. If you are left behind it is your own fault, no one else to blame.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi fellas,

i am very happy with the discussions so far. we are all mature adults and we should be able to raise this blog and differentiate it from the general norm of personal attacks.

and not that i condone matilah's excesses. he is too used to his ways but i do hope that he will respect the bloggers here and meet us at our level.

and yes, we are all stakeholders to his island. and if we don't discuss about our problems and issues concerning us, then it is our fault if our homes go to the dogs.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

as for giving the poor a little helping hand, i also agree that it must not be over done or seen as a right. there must be made to know that they can lead a better life if they try. ok those aged and handicapped are of a different category and the state has to do a bit more.

$290 is a bit mean, i reckon. but to an able bodied man who refuses to work, it is good to give him just $290 to kick his arse.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i am earning and probably working till the last day of my life. but not everyone is able.

take a walk around old chinatown and you can see many are in no condition to work anymore. not educated, no more muscles, immobile, etc. these are the legacies of an impoverished past.

Anonymous said...

Hi Anon July 26, 2007 11:37 PM,
Look at what red bean saying:
and not that i condone matilah's excesses. he is too used to his ways but i do hope that he will respect the bloggers here and meet us at our level.

He don't condone mati's brainless opinionated loudmouth cum here but he leaks that that is mati in anon July 27, 2007 1:05 AM!

what the f!!k?!

Talk is cheap. This blog is full of self-righteous & arrogant idiots huh!?

We won't leave this country b'cos it is our country!!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

anyone who has a view is opinionated. anyone who disagrees with others and made strong statements about what other bloggers said instead of discussing about the issues are all very self righteous.

but then, how can there be a discussion or even the existence of a blog or forum if everyone has no opinion?

the worst kind of self righteousness is to attack people instead of giving opposing views about an issue. and they don't even know it.

Anonymous said...

U got me wrong, beanie brudder..

I said this "Talk is cheap. This blog is full of self-righteous & arrogant idiots huh!?" in the context here where one anon insulted another anon who refused to just pack n leave Sg.
Hence I say:
"We won't leave this country b'cos it is our country!!"

But we know who is that brain-mati self-righteous one here. ;>

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

oops, my apologies anon.

but like i said many times, we must have diverse views and views that are different from ours. these views will help us to look at an issue from another perspective, from another angle. not that we must agree with them, but they are another way of looking at things or how other people look at things.

we have our own baggage and this will influence how we see things. views are views and not necessary right or wrong. only reasonable or unreasonable, logical or illogical, objective or biased.

only when we have contrary views then we have a discussion going on. we have to appreciate other people's view without being personal and no one deserves any obscenities in the first place.

to be able to enjoy and appreciate a well thought out view, a novel view that we have not thought of is a reward in itself.