
How proactive are we?

Today the hot topic is property prices shooting up, including rental of HDB flats. And the govt is saying don't worry, a lot of supply are coming downstream. It was only a few months ago when we heard of HDB over built and a lot of flats are still not sold. We also heard of changes in HDB policies not to build bigger flats and then to build bigger flats. If we are really proactive, we should be anticipating all the demographic changes coming our way and all the demand and supply issues. All the information are generated in the msm. Even the public knew about all the influx of foreigners and the 6 million population. Why are we reacting and trying to coop with all the impending changes instead of being ready for them without any surprises? Oh we are still planning and planning and planning ahead.


  1. If we are proactive? we should have more opposition in parliment. Where on Earth can we have 6.5 million people on a small island of only 700 sq km. It means we have to squeeze 15000 to 20000 person on every sq km considering the land for industry, for water catchment, for military training.

    Worse, we do not even have a hinterland to rest on, only neighbors waiting for us to fall.

    To be proactive??? how, does it mean to ship ourselves out??? to make way for new influx?? only local talent can ship out easily, how about the 80 percent, perhaps leave us behind to be ruled by new foreign talents, like a handful who are in parliment now who are foreign born.

    Or wait till water level rises and we rule the 7 seas, as there won't be Singapore anymore.. perhaps that is beign proactive

  2. quick quick sell all the coastal properties in sentosa. water level rising.

  3. If we are proactive? we should have more opposition in parliment. Where on Earth can we have 6.5 million people on a small island of only 700 sq km. It means we have to squeeze 15000 to 20000 person on every sq km considering the land for industry, for water catchment, for military training.

    Shud the indigenious singaporeans be compensated for the inconveniences of being squeeze which obviously benefited only the gst and tax collections of the govt?

    Do we have win-win option for all here? Or no choice just too bad?

  4. This is quoted from a speech in Chinese HK U titled Reform without losers in transition ... http://hkpsa.org/vc/doc/Presentations/050305.pdf

    The idea that existing people and new people shud be treated differently (Xinren Xinbanfa, Jiren Jiubanfa) is the unique Chinese contribution to the strategy of reform. It embodies the idea of grandfathering - whatever rights and privileges (obligations) a person had before the reform, he or she shud have the option of retaining the same.....It is obvious that such a strategy helps to minimise opposition and preserve social stability.

    Reforms without losers means a win-win for all.

  5. The Chinese govt have considered win-win strategies for reforms, shud we consider ours?

  6. squeeze until you live in metal cages like in hk, and what does that benefit you?

  7. before we get too crazy about economic devt we need to stand back and ask ourselves what is a good quality lifestyle for the general public, how much living space, how much commuting space, how much recreation space, how much time to work and how much time to play.

    is 6.5 million people crammed in little flats the way to go with little recreation and transportation space to move around?

    i am talking about the masses and not the super rich whose house is a recreation club itself.

  8. Dont worry you can stay in Jurong or Pulau Tekong. Dont worry!
