
Different kinds of equality

In communist country, all men are technically equal. So all gets about the same pay. And this is bad as the talented or more hardworking type will not want to work as they will be working like a fool and earn the same as those who refused to work. In our case, everyone is equal in paying GST. All pays 7%. The rich may pay more by their higher consumption. And they are happy as it is a matter of choice and lifestyle. The poor, who are unable to make ends meet, also have to pay the same rate. Just too bad. Everyone is equal and treated equally.


  1. > all men are technically equal. <

    One look out the door at the outside world will instantly tell you that this claim is total bullshit. Marx must have been on drugs when he wrote that down.

    > The poor, who are unable to make ends meet, also have to pay the same rate. <

    Yes. It is fact that every student of finance and economics knows: taxes—all taxes (including CPF) hurt the POOR most of all.

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