
A time to rethink citizenship

As a sign of respect to those parents devastated by the air crash in Taiwan and losing their precious sons, I kept quiet for the whole morning after posting 'The Ultimate Sacrifice.' More than 18 years of caring for a son, all of a sudden he was gone. And the parents accepted what happene, and only hanged on to grief their losses. It was duty and honour for the nation. How can the state repay this gratitude and pain of the parents and those who missed them? We have came this far as a nation. We must not erode what we have achieved this far and mess it up with the foreign talent thing. The people, the citizens, is all the nation got in time of need. Not superficial talents that would scoot at the slightest unease. They, the foreign talents, have nothing to hold them here. They are here only for the good time.


  1. It is the law of the land that males have to do NS. Every parent has a choice to not have their sons subject to this law. All they need to do is leave the country before the son turns 11. this fact is well-known, if you ring up CMPB to ask, they will tell this to you. so if a parent chooses to remain indifferent to the risks that is inherent in NS by choosing to remain in the country, they have no one else to blame. And contrary to popular belief, everyone, yes everyone has the choice to leave, not only the talented and rich. Just put your God-given brain to use for a while, instead of relying on a paternalistic govt to tell you how because they never will.

  2. doing national service is an accepted fact of life for all singaporeans. it is no longer an issue.

    what the govt should not do is to bend over to accommodate foreigners and take the citizens for granted. actually we shall invite more prs, after all thats what prs want. they work here and enjoy our facilities. but citizenship must have its privileges. and citizenship must not be lelong.

  3. What to do redbean ? The citizens themselves chose to forfeit the privileges onf citizenship by, time and again, returning to power a government that has no qualms about trampling on their basic rights and regarding them as mere economic digits, in exchange for a few measely hundreds every couple of years, and lift an estate upgrading. Thsi topic has been debated to death already redbean. The fact is the citizens knowingly and consciously elected a government that takes them for granted. The buck stops with themselves. The power is in their hands, if only they had the courage to exercise it.

  4. well said redbean! just what I thought too. btw, as we will be running short of manpower given the declining birthrates, the ladies should also contribute their time for the country, taking comfort jobs like medics, nursing, admin or other support roles. Otherwise where are we going to find the manpower?

  5. not a bad idea to have all singaporeans, man or woman, in uniform. israel is doing it, so can we.

    we carry the rifle to protect the country and all the wealth. and the rich and famous can come here and enjoy themselves, spending their money to pay for our security services.

  6. Citizenship must not be lelong ? At least in a lelong-type sale, you still get some money for it. What we have now is the Singapore citizenship being given away like Happy Meal toys. Even hawker centre cleaning ladies also can get Singapore citizenship so easily these days. Our citizenship has been devalued and is even more worthless than the famous banana notes during the Japanese Occupation. Well done, Singaporeans. As matilah would say, we deserve what we got.

  7. It time to protest, let strike now if not this time when is a better time guy...even indo. maid are asking for 25% pay rise.
    So what r S'porean still holding back, we shld declare for 50% pay rise as well(since pay & CPF cut, freezed & worst till job loss) & set a min. salary @ S$1800 + all foreigners(male)including PR, newly citizens to serve NS.
