
Hota - clash of beliefs and generosity

And next to the letter of Dr Patrick Kee and Dr Wong was a letter by a Mdm Liew Cheng Huan who generously offered all her organs to be removed from her when she dies. We have many such selfless and honourable people around us. And it is good that there should be more of them. What is worrying is that she was questioning the medical staff for not harvesting the rest of the usable organs like the corneas, the heart, the liver etc. She fully empathised with the family of Sim Tee Hua, but wanted all his organs to be removed. The question is that should a person imposed his belief and wills on other people even if the intent is honourable and even lifegiving? Here, Liew Cheng Huan must have believed very strongly that when dead, all the body parts are of no use and could be put to good use in saving other lives. I fully agree with her and share her belief. I have not opted out but am considering a provision that no organs should be harvested unless death is pronounced in an unambiguous state. But shall I imposed my belief on others who do not share my belief? Should anyone in a position of authority, like in this case, decides for the rest of society with no exception when provisions can be made for exceptions? This issue concerns ownership of private properties, individual rights, beliefs, emotions and feelings and the right of the state. The tricky part is the belief and emotions.


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

> We have many such selfless and honourable people around us. <

The mark of a good journalist is to be as impartial as possible.

I find your above statement to be insensitive and cruel to those whose spiritual beliefs forbid them to donate their organs.

IMO these people are no less "honourable", selflessness of course is impossible. (but you still don't get it)

The fact that one makes an willful decision to do give, is a selfish choice.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

mister matilah,

you are groggy again. do you understand what i am saying?

alright let me put it simply to you in this way. i am questioning the good, the hnourable, selfless, who think that just because they think it is good, and they can empathise with others pain, they can still dictate their values and wishes on those who don't agree.

and i never question the belief of those who cannot give because of their doctrines.

it is like saying, yes i empathise with your suffering, i know, i understand, but that is your own bloody business. if you need to pay up you pay up. if you are suppose to be poor, just too bad.

Anonymous said...

Just to add some information as to why Mdm LCH made those comments. Her husband is a doctor (Dr Lee Kang Hoe) with the Liver Transplant team in Gleneagles Hospital. As liver transplants are only done by specialists with know-how and these are not available in certain institutions, the organ was not used in this instance. It is probable that the transplant team in Gleneagles Hospital has wind of this patient and was trying to prochure it. However, this may not have worked out. Therefore, she is writing on behalf of her husband, who may have vented his frustration in not being able to get the organ for a paying private patient. That was why part of her letter was to get the authorities to address the question of whether the other organs were not harvested because there were no capable specialist to transplant it.