
The substitute villian

The substitute villian Jayaraman must be kicking himself sore and asking what the hell is going on? He is an innocent man trying to provide some light on what actually happened to the scandal earlier. Now he is being grilled by so many lawyers as if he is the guilty one. Shouldn't he be asking to be paid for the hard work he is doing, or performing? And to be fair to him, who else would have that kind of memory to remember the details of things happened so many years ago? Ask any of the legal counsels there what they did 3 weeks ago or what they ate for lunch, they would be just as lost...I can't remember...


  1. Come on Redbean, you and I know that all this court proceedings are just episodes of a wayang show. Like you said, Durai could easily sell the story to MGM and make another few million. The ending of all these have already decided. What is left is only wayang.

  2. life is a big wayang. just make sure that you are on the spectator side. but if you are a player, make sure that you are on the winning side.

  3. Today you are on the winning side, but tomorrow the table might just turn and you find yourself in the sh**. The cronies thought they were sitting pretty when they were in power, but now they are fighting for their lives. You just do not know who your friends or enemies are these days. Today friend, tomorrow maybe enemy.

  4. life is very unpredictable. saddam hussein is a good example. or singapore thai relation and thaksin are all topsy turvy now.

  5. this substitute villian is going to be made responsible for things which were beyond his control. he was sidelined and by passed by his bosses, ordered to do the procedural while the actual management of the IT project was delegated to a non IT person.

    poor chap.

  6. The name "scapegoat" comes to mind.

  7. Jayaraman should have just made himself MIA like that Pharis Baker guy, save himself all the trouble being on the witness stand and having to take all this grilling as if he's the one on trial.

  8. who else dare to volunteer to be a witness when under the learned and expert hands of the legal councels they will all be turned into putty or shit.

    our system allows the questioning from one side. so the other side will be like a dart board to throw darts at. only how many darts will stick.
