
Higher education accounts proposed for Singaporeans

Higher education accounts proposed for Singaporeans Another great idea in the making to think and plan for the unthinking and mindless Singaporeans. Their lives need to be carefully managed by the gods. It is all for their own good. I can also think of another few areas and accounts to provide for the well beings of Singaporeans. There should be a marriage account for all single man to make sure that they can afford to get married or make it convenient for them to do so with the money available. As for the women, a childbirth account for taking care of all the cost involved in childbearing. I was also thinking of a medical account, but this is already taken care of by the 3Ms. Now what else? Oh yes, a redundancy account to take over their finances when they lost their jobs either through retrenchment or premature termination. Who is going to pay for all these accounts? My money or your money?


  1. Hang on, reading this on the ST today, I was under the impression that this education account is set up by the govt for the people all from the coffer of the govt. Parents and children pay nothing, in other woeds it is a gift from the govt. If this is so, what is anon 12.16pm bitching about?

    Redbean, you have touched on the taboo subject called "welfarism". This is so dreaded by the govt. No way they will go along that avenue.

  2. giving money to the people is welfarism. giving money to the people unsolicited is dunno what.

    but please, whatever money given is our money, not the govt's money. and when they did not have enough to give, you can bet more gst and other taxes.

    there is no free lunch. the 2% gst increase is what things will be like. do not be happy when money is given away. it will give more reasons to raise taxes, because taxes are raised to help the people.

    how much given away, how much not given away?

    nkf again?

  3. Hang on, reading this on the ST today, I was under the "IMPRESSION" that this education account is set up by the govt for the people all from the coffer of the govt. Parents and children pay nothing, in other woeds it is a gift from the govt. If this is so, what is anon 12.16pm bitching about?

    You got the catch "under the impression". Where the money came from?? It's your tax money(it is a gift from the govt.)dude!

    Are not part of the Toto/lottery revenues go to the education fund or from public donations? Why is it necessary to have the higher education accounts?

  4. Whose money ? Peasants aren't allowed to hold money, ma. They don't know how to take care of it. So peasant's money becomes gahmen's money. Simple.
