

Tokenism This may become the new catch phrase to gripe about. A blogger said it last week and it has come true. Citizens will now enjoy a medical subsidy of 5-10% more than PRs. So citizens must now be happy and so do the PRs. If there is no National Service, maybe when the difference between a citizen and PR is neglible, a token like this may be acceptable. But does the govt really understand what it is like to serve NS and how much is that sacrifice that is demanded from its citizens? The little subsidy difference can be viewed very negatively by those who feel strongly that all their contributions to the country in NS and reservist liability is only worth that pittance. But there is another form of tokenism in the medical cost they are paying. A whopping 80% subsidy for C Class wards. Now that must really make the citizens happy. Really happy.


  1. Hehe, I told you Singaporeans are not going to be appeased by this. Just accept it lah. This is the best your government can do at the moment. :)

  2. it is the govt's decision based on their own considerations.

    now what shall the people do? it's over and shut up? or the people would want to discuss on the pros and cons of the decision.

    and our bloggers and forumers will brand those who support the decision as bootlickers and those who don't agree as complainers.

    why can't people discuss and talk about it? isn't this is what the govt expects or is expected of the people to talk about national issues? why is it that singaporeans are called apathetic or apolitical, without a view or without an opinion, or do not care about national affairs?

  3. Singaporeans complained that PRs enjoy the same benefits as citizens. Now, the government has gone out of their way to make that distinction a bit more clearly, and acknowledged in no uncertain terms that citizens are a priority over PRs. Even with this, you guys still complain. So, what is it that you guys want ? And Redbea, please don't give that rehashed bullshit about not being paid to think of alternative solutions. The question of being paid does not arise because you're the one who's not happy with this policy. As far as the government is concerned, this is the right policy given the situation the country is in.

  4. anonymous,
    you are wrong that singaporeans are complaining that prs are enjoying the same benefits as singaporeans. singaporeans are complaining that they are fight on an uneven playing field and not created by the prs and not the fault of the prs. see the difference?

    the point about coming out with a better solution is a red herring. and you and i should not think too highly of ourselves that we can come out with a better solution. we just do not have the resources and information to come out with a balanced solution. say what you like or criticise whatever you like, the best brains are there in the civil service. so no need to try to be clever.

    another thing, when it comes to policies or decisions, and which one to choose, it is not a matter of right wrong. hope you can understand this point. it is a subjective choice despite all the objective inputs.

  5. You want this to be discussed and debated so why are you reluctant to put your thoughts forward ? Could it be because there really isn't anything more the government can do given that NS tilts the balance in favor of first-gen PRs quite significantly.

  6. if i am reluctant to put my thought forward i would not have set up a forum and a blog right?

    ok, let's talk about national service. it is 2.5 years given to the country plus liability for reservist and incamp training, ppt etc. this is not a small sacrifice to the nation.

    what did the pr do that can be near this?

  7. Nothing, and that's exactly the point. As long as NS remains in the picture, the playing field cannot be levelled for the citizen as compared to a PR. It would be an exercise in futility because of the demands that NS places on citizens.

  8. there are many things that can be done. it is only whether they want to. i can even make the sun rise from the east, within a limited context. get the idea?

    and if you are referring to just policies affecting singaporeans without directly affecting the prs, it will be that much easier.

  9. There you go, engaging in your bullshit again. You want to discuss, let's discuss concrete proposals, not crap like making the sun rise from the east.

  10. I think there are some things that can be done, its just that we are not privy to government information. Even the civil servants are not that bright, so what if they are scholars, the whole system just makes them dumb. Remember how it was in NS?? Just act dumb.

    I think there can be ways that reservist liabilities can be made less intrusive to singaporeans who need to work. Does the government bother? No. Why? Is there a study setup to look into this? Do they solicit views from those involved? Are the concerns well known by everyone? Yes, and yet nothing is don. Why? Because as long as we continue to tolerate it, the government will think singaporeans can take more punishment. This will go on until danger signs appear in other areas, like unhappiness in the general citizentry, or election results. Whatever it is, there will be no change because the government is reactive to matters in this area.

  11. "Because as long as we continue to tolerate it, the government will think singaporeans can take more punishment."

    So the question then becomes, why do Singaporeans continue to tolerate it ? Why don't Singaporeans rise to the occasion to fight for their rights ? Whining on the Net doesn't count, hor :)

  12. singaporeans are crying out loud in cyberspace. they know that is the only place that they can be heard.

    in the main stream media, after the selection process and the limited space available, hardly anything of real significance will see the light.

  13. "they know that is the only place that they can be heard."

    Heard by the government ? They may hear but I doubt they're paying attention. The Internet is like a noisy marketplace, with all the fishmongers, vegetable sellers, butchers shouting to be heard by their potential customers. Just look at this blog. It's far too chaotic to be acknowledged or even taken seriously by the government as a credible source of feedback.

  14. jesus said, those who have eyes but cannot see, have ears but cannot hear, or something like that.

    for those who want to listen and genuinely interested in feedback, they will find them, everywhere. for those whose minds are close, even if you serve them on a silver platter with the big word 'feedback' on it, nothing will go in.

    it is like this forum or the outreach, some will see noises, some will see gold. it all depends on one's intention.

  15. That's is no free lunch. GST 2% hike is just over. Now, the 80% loss have to take from other means of taking money from public again if history should repeat itself. Wait from another increment to things.

  16. A whopping 80% subsidy for C Class wards. 80% subsidy become loss which have to makeup from somewhere. gov always capable of digging gold from the republic.

  17. heh heh,

    seriously, the amount has been budgeted and normally offset by the A and B1 charges, i think.
