
Outsourcing saves Govt $34.6m a year.

The above headline in the Today paper tells the story of how MOM outsourced its functions to Green Dot Internet Services and saved $34.6 mil a year. Now that is ingenuity and brilliant management at work. If outsourcing is the cure all of inefficiency in the civil service, imagine how much can be saved if all the ministries outsource the same function to an outside agency? 10 ministries will save $346 million a year. And better still if all the other functions are also outsourced, just leave the Perm Secs and the Ministers behind to do the thinking, or a small core of administrative officers, we could save billions from outsourcing. Actually there is another term for this. Privatisation for efficiency! If the civil service is so inefficient that only outsourcing and privatisation can be the remedy for good service, do they need to be paid that kind of salaries? I am thoroughly confused. I am thoroughly confused. I don't think this is the true picture of the whole story.


  1. Redbean, why don't gov outsource themselves. It will save Singapore at least $3billions. compare to this, 34.6m is just a tiny peanut.

  2. kinda agree with anonymous... the savings will be worth much more...

    but if the government is outsourced then what constitutes the country? a piece of land managed by foreigners? might as well announce that we're no longer a nation...

  3. abao,
    Singapore is no longer Singapore is used to be. gov has treating us as moron. Changing rules and policy, increase this and that, increase their own salary and proclaim is for good of ppl ? What is Singapore with crappy and hypercrite gov ???

    Since gov like foreigner so much, let these foreigner threaten their minister and MP jobs too.

    You can't say a grape is sour unless u eat it. MP/PM/MM/ and all those bloody Ms doesn't feel threaten with foreigner so they can just replace local with foreigner but not themselves.

  4. A country without a sincere gov is as good as country without identity and value and loyalty. Abao, don't you agree ??

  5. A country is nothing more than a political entity defined by politicians who may not have the interests of their citizens at heart. You should forget about this idea that a country has an identity and values and deserves our loyalty. It is nothing of that sort. The relationship between a country and it's citizens should be regarded as akin to that between an employer and an employee. At any time, either party may sever that relationship and henceforth will have nothing to do with each other. That should make you guys feel better.

  6. there is a reason why the talented should rule over the untalented.

    nature is meant to be that way.
