
Amazing Singapore

Amazing Singapore Below is a quote from an ex Malaysian that I plucked from littlespeck.com. ExMalaysian wrote: By my own experience I can tell you that it's great being a new citizen in Singapore. You are judged by what you can contribute and not but some NEP policies. The education in Singapore is also about the best in the world. Yes, even the educators from the native English-speaking countries adopt how Mathematics and Science are taught here Best of all, every time you cross the causeway to visit Malaysia you are rewarded by at least 2.3 times in your spending capability. What are you waiting for? Singaporeans are lucky.


  1. another sour comment. make up your mind, are you pro or against singapore policies?

  2. ha, you got permission to be here or not?

    let me see whether i am pro or against singapore. let me toss my coin first. ok head i am pro, tail i am against.

  3. Anonymous said...
    another sour comment. make up your mind, are you pro or against singapore policies?

    December 20, 2006 12:36 PM

    Question: Who is this same ass hole again? Have the courage to show up!

    From Overseas Singaporean :-)

  4. hi anonymous,

    don't scold him lah. he knows not what he is saying. let him be.

