
$3,400 psf properties

$3,400 psf properties How could Singaporeans afford such properties when the top 20% population have a monthly per capita household income of $3000, according to some statistics that were splashed across the MSM? At $3,400 psf, it will mean a 1000 sq ft condo will cost $3.4 million. But these units built for the rich and famous are not going to be 1000 sq ft but 2000 or more. A 2000 sq ft will be a blooming $6.8 million. With the $3000 per capita income a month, Singaporeans would have to go and steal from some where if they can afford one of these units. How is it that about 70% of these properties are bought by Singaporeans? Unbelieveable! Something is seriously wrong here. Either the statistics are wrong, or something got to do with our corruption index. To buy such a property, one would need a monthly income of at least $30,000 and for many years. Where to find such animals in Singapore? Maybe there are, but can't be that many. The reality is that once these few Singaporeans have bought their shares, that's it. The rest will be bought by foreigners as the developers are going to build more. Surely with our miserable income of the top 20% at $3000 per capital household income they would not be able to afford such price tag. Maybe one day we will have to follow the footstep of Malaysia, and reserve 30% of all high end properties, or all privately developed properties to be sold to Singaporeans at a discount.


Speedwing said...

Redbean, you are getting too suspicious in your old age!!!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

oh dear, i thot i am getting younger by the days.

Anonymous said...

Please la Redbean,

If there are 1 million Singaporean households (which is probably just about right), top 20% refers to the top 200,000 households. You think that there are 200,000 high-end units out there?? If so, they won't be high end anymore. The fallacy in your point is your assumption that the top 20% are buying high end properties when it's probably a much smaller percentage.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous,

the problem with you is that you have difficulties understanding what people write. think you are dysletic.

Anonymous said...

And the problem with you is that you think too highly of yourself, just because you have an occasional column in a crappy tabloid newspaper.

Anonymous said...

Mr Anonymous,
why don't u just leave Redbean alone. If u like Redbean, go and buy yourself a redbean dessert in the market.

Redbean is much more intelligent than u are. I believe anonymous is a FT who came here and scream here and there. No sane Singaporean will condemn Redbean,if u are FT, please return to your place of origin and do the same cringing to your nationmate. Leave Redbean if u not an asshole.

Anonymous said...

For as long as redbean makes this an open blog, I have as much reason as you do to comment anything I please. Funny how some Singaporeans lament the lack of freedom of expression in the country, yet the same people will have no qualms about silencing other views themselves when in cyberspace. Anon 11:39am, we have a term for that. It's called hypocrite. Go figure.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous 11.58,

i started this blog is for everyone to come here and chat sensibly. and it takes a lot of maturity and magnanimity to see another person's point of view without attacking that person.

i enjoy chatting with everyone. but up to a point, when i find someone too immature and not worth my time i will just ignore him. then he will only have to talk to himself.

please be civil and put up your views no matter how strong they are. i appreciate good and cleverly argued opposing views. but attacking another blogger just because you don't agree and cannot articulate a sensible response only reflects poorly on yourself.

and thanks anonymous 11.39.

Anonymous said...

Haha, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Who was the one who started the name-calling ? You can't even spell dyslexic right.

Anonymous said...


Ur blog is a perfect example of a lot of quantity without quality. You write tons of articles everyday, none of which are intellectually stimulating. In truth, you cannot even begin to hold a candle to all the big political bloggers out there such as Mr Wang, Molly, Xenoboy, Yawning Bread. Your writing ability and reasoning skills pale in comparison to them. This senseless illogical article is yet another example of this.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi anonymous,

thanks for your excellent feedback. i am not that good and i know it. i only hope that with so many bloggers here, some of you could help me to raise the level of discussion here by contributing high brow articles.

you can also post at www.redbeanforum.com too. cyberspace needs good bloggers like you, you know?

Anonymous said...

Well said, anon 2.02pm. Guess only trashy writers get signed on to write in trashy tabloids like the Nincompoop Paper.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


it takes thrash to appreciate thrash. welcome to the thrash bin. and on behalf of the new paper, thanks for your contribution to buy and read the paper.

like i said earlier, if you guys are planted here by whatever organisation to disrupt a blog, you reflected very badly on your master and his organisation. this is thuggish method and only thugs can go so low to resort to such measures.

please, have more respect for yourselves and do something worthy and respectful. earn a decent living by doing something where you do not have to hide under a untraceable name.

Anonymous said...

haha Anon 2.42pm,

Now he thinks there's a conspiracy against him. Maybe he's Robert Ho in disguise! Meglomaniac. =) If the powers that be wanted to disrupt dangerous blogs, they wouldn't pick the bean=).

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

my boys,

the business you are in is nothing new to me.

i am sure you are even ashame to tell your papa and mama what you are doing for a living.

no decent person will come into a blog to make disparaging remarks against someone whom they do not know all because they have so much time in hand.

please i have been in the game before you were born.

Anonymous said...

Agree with you guys.

The comments on redbean's blog are a reflection of the standard of his postings. Since his postings are so lame and mundane, they hardly ever stimulate debate. Only ridicule. Redbean, before you ask yourself why you only get comments like that on your blog, ask yourself about the quality of your blog first.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi boys,

my low quality blog will only attract people of low quality to find it irresistible and so interesting that they have to be here.

i just had a word with your team leader on this. good job boys.

Anonymous said...

Hi Redbean, the best thing to do to people who are here to disrupt sensible discussions is to ignore them. If what we suspect is true, that they are rats being paid to disrupt bloggers who ask too many questions, then all we can say is they must bereally desperate. Instead of coming out with sensible discussions/views/alternatives, they can only pour cold water on whatever we say. First world country? you still have a long long way to go before you get there. At this rate I suspect you never will.

Anonymous said...

Redbean's articles and blog are downToEarth and less academic-based than most. It may not have the same depth as popular one but it has more common sense than many established one and because it speak from the heart without fear. We came here to blog because we can relate to him because like Redbean, we are layman too. Mr anonymous who used to bash Redbean, why don't just send "Fxxx you" to the gov's email, LKY, LHL and MP since u don't like the gov policy here and instead of "Fxxx you" to gov, u target Redbean instead. Mr Basher, I'm think u can achieve greater thing by basing the gov's policy than harmless Redbean.

Anonymous said...

Such childishness, anon 12:49am. Tell me why I should do that when I have no quarrel with the government of the day ? It's people like you and your ilk on this blog who have an axe to grind with the establishment. You can't do it in the open in the print and broadcast media, so you resort to sulking, bitching and moaning in cyberspace. It shows people like you for what you really are, ball-less dimwits. I dare you to do what you dared me to do but then I know you won't because you guys are just scred shit of having an all-expenses paid holiday at the ISD Complex at Phoenix Park. All your bravado is only confined to cyberspace.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i think we shall say a big thank you to the few boys here for joining us in the discussion as long as they behave and don't become abusive. i am still waiting for them to show some ability in analysing and presenting a cogent and coherent view on things rather than just slamming and unable to explain anything. show us that you are made of real substance man. but for A level student, can't expect much maturity in thoughts. that is forgiveable.

and please don't abuse the name of ISD. they exist to protect the nation from anti national elements. they have higher callings than doing childish things.

for your info, i walked in and out of ISD more than you ever know, Irrigation and Sewerage Department : )

Anonymous said...

Guess all the sewerage must have contaminated your brain, such that it's now only able to churn out illogical and poorly thought out articles. You have my condolences.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


what i ate is food. what came out is shit. thanks for savouring them. i am sure you are enjoying them. or else why are you here asking for more?

now, my condolence or your condolence? : )

Anonymous said...

Redbean is a Mr Wang/Molly Meek wannabe.

Anonymous said...

Redbean is a Mr Wang/Molly Meek wannabe, but fails miserably. Never witty never insightful. Blend and predictable.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


the fact that you and your gang are here instead of at Mr Wang and Molly Meek shows that i am more interesting, at least to you guys.

i am flattered. nice to have you guys here. serious.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...


so far so good. actually i was trying to find a reason to praise you guys. but unfortnately you are just not good enough unless you can string more than two paras together and make sense. but then again, can't expect much from A level students. not everyone is like gayle goh or shu min.

i really miss them. they would be able to give you a few tips and ideas on how to engage in a thoughtful discussions. a good discussion must have thoughts and ideas.

you see, i can get to twirl you people around on a flag pole and insult you without using a single word of vulgarity. try to match me on that. or else go and seek help from shu min. she has quality and style in her prose.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, if u at least had brought up a decent argument like derek wee did, which is obviously not within your mental capacities, we might consider doing a shu min on you. Unfortunately, you make Derek Wee sound intellectual. Oh we visit the good blogs all the time and debate on the issues brought up. As for your blog, as we've said, it is completely lacking in stimulation. Your articles are mundane and not even worth talking about. The reason why we criticize you is we think you give the Singaporean blogosphere a bad name by posting sub-standard articles day after day. You are often inaccurate with your statistics, bring up incoherent arguments, whine a lot - simply an embarrassment to the more intellectual bloggers. Please do the blogsophere a favor by closing down your blog.

Anonymous said...

Mr Basher say it all, he has nothing against the gov ??? Well, for sure, basher is either ignorance of what going on or belong to family of gahmen in gov who pay high salary to themselves. Who knows Basher might be the future MP as well. Or just a FT who receive free scholarship.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I mean seriously, you should visit some of the blogs and read and learn, educate yourself. If your bean-brain has anymore room left to absorb anything. Down with redbean.

Anonymous said...

Anon, 12.15pm, nothing is going on. The economy is flying high, property market is finally coming out of the long stagnation, stock market is at near record highs. Many countries would gladly be in our position. All the perception of government wrong is all in your head. It's obvious your brain has been contaminated like the bean-brained owner of this blog.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

ok , now that they are all at lunch, let me just summarise the discussion so far.

for the gang, if you put your two sentence posts in ypap or in sammyboy you will be bashed out of your daylight.

i would really salute all of you if you can talk sensibly and point out the flaws in other people's posts. by screaming this is shit, that is shit, only covers yourself with shit. for you did not offer any counter views.

but then again it is not your fault. you are all too young and did not know what you are talking about. the fault lies in your team leader. if he thinks that this is the way to respond to bloggers then he is just as immature and naive as all of you.

you cannot put boys without ideas into cyberspace when adults are having a serious discussions. these boys are only good for those in ypap forums or maybe sammyboy.

now i will wait for them to come back from lunch. they are all clock watchers : )

Anonymous said...

You were the one who started the name calling with your dyslexic remark, go scroll back up and take a look. Once again, you ahve shot yourself in the foot by your own stupidity. Ok, if you want to start afresh, why don't you go back to the 3rd comment in this entry and rebutt the commentor's points.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

oh, come on anonymous,

that dyslexic remark was meant to be true. it is a fact based on what your comments about other people's posts. you habitually missed out the important points people said and only see a few things that you want to see or can see. now you can't really be offended by a statement of truth would you?

you see, i am the host of this blog and i take great care not to offend my guests. and you are my guests too. why would i post things to offend you. but you surely can't stop me from telling the truth right?

Anonymous said...

And what makes you think I am the commentor you referred to as dyslexic. Once again, your stupidity shows itself in amazing ways. Your reluctance to attempt to point out the errors in that comment shows your hypocrisy as well. The facts speak for themselves.

Anonymous said...

You are not rebutting. You are insulting. You assume you are right by claiming your point was missed. What do u claim your oh so obvious point was then? Sometimes people see things differently from you. You think something may be obviously right..but your lack of intelligence may prove that you are obviously wrong. Someone of your caliber has no credibility to assume.

Anonymous said...

Forget it man. He's just hopeless. I mean personally I would be embarrassed to admit that Im a newpaper journalist

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

its elementary anonymous,

when you all want to call yourselves anonymous, how do you expect to guess especially when you reply to the comment?

you see, if everyone calls themselves monkeys, how am i to know which is the real monkey? but luckily you don't call yourself monkey.

ok, you may want to use anonymous a, b or c or anonymous 1, 2 or 3. you got to be fair to let me know which anonymous i am talking to right?

but congratulate yourselves. your efficiency is like clockwork. 2 o'clock back from lunch and all quickly start to work. clockwork efficiency, a bit mechanical though, like toy soldiers.

Anonymous said...

If you cannot guess, then it would be at least prudent of you not to make wild assumptions. Oh, sorry I forgot, even that simple task is beyond the limits of your severely limited intellect. My apologies.

Anonymous said...

U should savor this moment, Mr redbean. None of your blog entries has reached such a high comment count before!! Unlike top political blogs, your blog has never generated this much attention before! Even if every1 thinks you're stupid. better than having the usual zero comment count after your blog entires right?

Anonymous said...

very simple...show redbean who you are,rather than hidding in de annoymous, keep de playing field level...start a debate...let de reader here decide on the outcome......Wat u think?...For once do something great and honorable to urself.u feel good even if u lost this battle, cos it going to be ur history(u fight with courage and honour).

Anonymous said...

sorry readbean, for intruding ...i m quite new to computer ,not sure whether di i cross any rule or regulation tat need to follow.
By the way . i m only an old, not very educated taxi driver .

Anonymous said...

Dear mr taxi, please read the comments from the start. If you notice, beanhead here was the one who skirted the issue, refused to enagage in debate by calling a commentor dyslexic. He is the one who should be more honourable. I challenge him again. DO the honourable thing and point out the fallacy in the third comment.

Anonymous said...

Yeah do the honourbale thing and admit that you were wrong to have started the name calling. Otherwise, can we conclude that your ego is definitely bigger than your bean-sized head ?

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

good morning taxi,

welcome to the blog. sorry i didn't get into the blog last night. try to be an elite and attended a concert. phew. feel so good.

oh, there is no rules here except human decency and rational discussions.

thanks for sharing your views. as for the pests, i will spray a little insecticide now and then to keep them busy. it helps to generate interest and traffic in this blog.

and enjoy yourself.
