
what bumiputra?

As the debate on bumiputra versus non bumiputra policies hots up and tension creeps in, the concept of bumiputra gets clearer. Johore UMNO is now criticising the concept of a Malaysian race. What they are concerned, according to Abdul Ghani, is that 'The concept is seen as a threat to the Malays and the special position provided for them in the Constitution.' To Abdul Ghani, the Malays must remain the "pivotal race". What is therefore important is not so much the bumiputras or sons of the soil. For bumiputras should also include the orang asli, the ibans, the dayaks, and other native people of Sabah and Sarawak. But they are not Malays and thus should not be part of the pivotal race.

1 comment:

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i feel very sorry for the natives in sabah and sarawak. they are not malays and thus not going to be the pivotal race.

being bumiputra is not enough.

the white americans should make the red indians the pivotal race.