
return public transport as a public service

The noise is getting louder. More and more are shouting for a reform of the public transport system. Not just about how the different transport services should be run. But to return public transport as a public service run by the govt. The myth that it has to be privatised to be efficient and effective should be grounded. No one believes in such myths anymore. Anyone running a public service and found to be incapable and inefficient should be sacked. Period. And make sure his replacement do a better job or else sack as well. Then we will see whether there is a need to privatise for efficiency. That is only one part of the myth. The second part of the myth is that public and essential services must be run for profits. This thinking needs to be revised. We need to go back to look after the interest of the people, especially the lower income group. Ok, please, no silly comments like running at a loss. Sack the CEO if he cannot run it as a going concern. And no lowering in the quality of service just because it is run to make lesser profits. This is another big bull. Many letters have been written to the press. What more feedback is needed? Or because these letters did not send to the official feedback unit, so not counted as feedback? Or maybe should ask Wei Ling to write another letter on this issue.


  1. Haha, you should have raised this issue when your MP came a knocking in May canvassing for your vote. it's too late now. So, you've got to live with ever increasing cost of public services for at least the next five years.

  2. Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't the government (through Temasik Holdings) the majority shareholders in ComfortDelgro, SBS Transit as well as SMRT ?

  3. not really too late. never too late. conventional truth is subject to change over time and depending on who has a bigger say. many things are right or true over a certain time because someone says so.

    when there is a chang of mind, the truth also changes.

  4. You cannot change the minds of Sinkee slaves who have been conditioned not to think. Your cause is a lost one.

  5. have faith. during the darkest hours of your life, there is still hope, that a tiny spark may light up your life.

    whoever believes in me shall have everlasting life.

  6. But then, you're not Jesus.

  7. redbean is not Jesus,true. It is too late. Only a change of regime changes the present situation.But it will take another fifty years for that to happen. By then, most of will be dead.

  8. hi cruel reality,

    welcome to the blog.

    all good things will come to an end. it may take 50 years, or it may take 50 days. only god knows.

    when that day will come, no one knows. not even me but the father.


  9. That may or may not be so. Even if so, what's the use if the country has already been bankrupted by all the mismanagement and wastage. That would be a hollow victory, if it even is one.

  10. I politely request you guys skip threading on religious connoctations or sacarcisms to make your point becos there are actually many color, race and religion out there besides your own.

  11. hi first/last barbed wire,

    welcome to the blog.

    thanks for your comment. no offend meant to the religion. just quoting something to pun in a real situation. the quotes were not used in a derogatory manner. just like choktong telling singaporeans to go forth and multiply.


  12. hi anonymous,

    we shouldn't thing of victory or defeat. this is just chatting on the different outcomes that may or may not happen. very hypothetical.

  13. But life is all about victory and defeat. It happens in the business world, in politics, even in family settings. Society will honor victors and with each victory come all kinds of rewards and privileges while the losers will be left licking their wounds.

  14. that is a very direct way of putting it. when one is a victor, one can say anything and everyone will laugh at your jokes.
