
the moral of kopi susus

It is quite heavenly to have a cup of steaming hot black coffee first thing in the morning. The aroma of a coffee brew is really fragrant. And the perk kicks in once the black shining liquid gets into your system. Then some ingenious people started to add milk into the coffee. At the right proportion, the combination is a different goodness. And some will only take coffee with milk. Given a cup of coffee, if one continues to add milk unrestrained, and with no concern to the final outcome, the coffee will either be diluted, or if allowed to overflow, will end up with nothing but a cup of milk. Is the coffee more important or the milk? Or just a cup of drink regardless of what is inside? In the same vein, as the govt calls for more foreigners into our rojak bowl, what does the govt think is the important final result? Does the viability of the state overrides the interest of the kopi and susu? A state exists for the good and interests of its people, the citizens. If the citizens are not important, the state is but like an empty vessel. Just throw anything into it. As long as the vessel is filled and desirable, that counts. If this be the case, shall we change the kopi susu or its maker? Or we have really transformed ourselves into a hotel? Everyone is a guest and and how well one is treated or appreciated depends on ones value or propensity to spend.


  1. Just cross-posting a similar point I made in the other blog entry. Yes, a state exists for the good and interests of its citizens but what happens when the citizens continue to elect a government that does not look after their interests, but instead protect the interests of foreigners who have no stake in the country ?

  2. Almost half a century of PAP rule have made eunachs of the majority of Singaporeans. No, I don't think Singaporeans have the balls to do what you said.

  3. all good things will come to an end, even sweet dreams.

  4. Well, a certain despot believes he can rise up from his grave if he sees something going wrong with his country. Try telling that to him.

  5. Gee, does the cross work on this creature?

  6. Th cross won't work on this despot. You need to defeat him in a fight with knuckle dusters in a cul-de-sac.

  7. it's all in the mind. the power of the human mind is tremendous.

    if you just have faith the size of a mustard seed, you can move mountains.
