
myth 29

'Voting for PAP will get priority in lift upgrading' This is now a confirm myth. Voting for PAP does not guarantee priority in lift upgrading. Similarly, voting against PAP can still get priority in lift upgrading. The factor that decides lift upgrading priority is not how one votes but whether the constituency is won by the PAP. If a constituency is won by PAP, everyone in the constituency will be treated equally and get lift upgrading priority. If a constituency is lost to the Opposition, everyone in the constituency will share the same fate, ie no priority in lift upgrading. In this way, everyone is treated fairly, PAP or Opposition supporters, all the same.


  1. During one election, PAP promised us that we will be given 1st priority for estate upgrading if they win the ward with the highest vote count(upgrading was just started then). After winning the ward with the highest vote count, upgrading was never brought up again until 10 yrs later. Upgrading went to those wards which were won marginally. This has taught me and my family never to believe in any politicians ever again.

  2. haha, once bitten...twice shy, twice bitten...better go and die.

  3. What's the big deal with upgrading anyway ? You got ot endure two years of dust, grime and dirt in your block, not to mention foork out some real moolah and there is no guarantee the value of your flat will go up after that. I think upgrading is totally over-hyped.

  4. The issue is not upgrading, it is the broken promises.

  5. Well, you only have yourself to blame for choosing to believe the words of politicians and even expect them to fulfill their promises. a fool is indeed born every minute.

  6. PAP has shifted the goalpost again-
    lift upgrading MUST now be co-paid by residents whether in PAP or opposition wards. Free life upgrading in opposition wards are no longer allowed.

  7. There are no free lunches, period.

  8. On the contrary, it was done FREE in opposition wards. PAP couldn't do it and they forbade the opposition from doing it.

  9. What did they do to forbid the opposition wards from doing it ?

  10. Haven you read-

    All lift-upgrading MUST now be co-paid by residents whether in PAP or opposition wards.

  11. ask the marboro guy.

  12. Doesn't say by what act of law the pappies are going to forbid this practice of free upgrading. You mean now giving free stuff to people has bcome illegal ?

  13. Gahmen oso give free money thru the progress package, what ? So, does that mean the gahmen is breaking its own laws ?

  14. Does this mean the residents of Hougang and Potong Pasir are people of principle in that they cannot be bought over by PAP's promises of upgrading?

    Perhaps. But opposition voices are needed in the parliament to act as checks on the government.

    What happens if the Workers' Party ever becomes the governing party? Well, they would surely have people opposing them too.

    No one can please everyone. Whatever anyone does, it's bound to please certain people and upset the rest.

  15. hi nobody cares,

    welcome to the chat.

    actually this lift upgrading is no big deal except for the aged and the wheelchair bound. otherwise it is a waste of money. and if the enbloc or buy back program becomes more common, one day pay for lift upgrading the next day move out.

    in the case of co payment for upgrading, in some forums they will use the 4 letter word. most of the hardlanders are facing hard times esp the aged and still want them to co pay.knn.

    but you people must be thankful that this govt is very thoughtful and it must be for the good of the people.

  16. I look forward to the day when all estates are upgraded to see what PAP will deprive the electorate if they were to vote oppositions.

    Policing perhaps. Imagine Loong telling Kiang that policing is now his responsibility in Hougang as PAP lost and is now removing police coverage from there.

  17. i think the more they keep trying to act like kids, the more they are going to lose respect from the people.

    maybe we shall just keep supporting what they are doing and cheer them on. and maybe that is what they want to hear and feel rejuvenated that the people are happy with what they are doing and keep going that direction.

  18. I think they have lost the art of connecting with the ground. They listen to RCs, a group bred and well supported to be their eyes and ears, failing to note that most join the RC for their own benefits. With such skew interests, do you think their feedbacks are accurate?

    Many dynasty rose and fall because the ruler had taken unsound advice. Wars are lost this way too because of inaccurate intelligence.

    They must treat the people with sincerity and win their trust, their respect and support instead of buying their support. You can't buy people's trust and you can't buy respect. PAP certainly has many talented people but none has the sincerity to win people's trust and respect.

  19. when mahathir first became the PM he had lofty ideas and objectives to uplift the malay races. but when personal interests get in the way, when his children started to grab whatever they could, all the goodness disappeared. where got corruption when the corruption is inside the head?

    all objectivity disappears when one started to get involved and think of one's own interest first.
