
myth 19

'Singaporean teachers are well trained to teach' I can't believe that I have to call this a myth. But when the Minister said so, then a myth it is. Tharman was shocked to discover that Singaporean teachers were not taught to teach English and were assigned to teach English. Now how could such a blunder happened in our world class education system? Now we even have an institution called National Institute of Education where all teachers are properlee trained and awarded a degree or diploma in education. Then why are our children shortchanged by having unqualified teachers to teach them English? I believe this must be so traumatic for the Minister that it prompted him to call for the recruitment of native speaking teachers to teach our students whose standard of English has deteriorated because our poor English Language teachers were not trained to teach the subject. Isn't that a mouthful?


  1. singapore schools are going down the drains... teaching lians to beat up 13 years old girl and stripping her while filming her with a handphone video... PM lee too busy with his travel in new zealand to talk to education minister.. about our growing problem at our schools... a weak government in the makings !!!

  2. the only way to deal with these bullies is not to be soft. give them their own medicine. if they are prepared to whack other children, the schools must have to qualms to dish it out to them.

    forget about all the softie counselling. share these bullies in front of the assembly, and shame their parents if they think they bullies deserve to be treated kindly. if they are not happy, ask them to take their bullies to another school.

    we cannot tolerate bullies among our children.

    having said that, we also need to reign in teachers who are nasties themselves. there is no room for bullies whether they are students or teachers. but dealing with bullies the same way they dealt to their victims shall not be seen as bullying. it is controlled and measured discipline.

  3. sorry, forget to welcome you to the blog, 'shocked by our youth.'
