
mature workers, be patient...

'But as far as jobs are concerned, Singaporeans - especially mature workers - have to be patient as the cyclical economic restructuring runs its course.' Reported by Loh Chee Kong in Auckland covering Hsien Loong's speech. This reminds me of a story of a man whose penis was rotting. After seeing hundreds of doctors he finally found one who told him not to worry. He was at once comforted. But he was also worried as the doctor did not prescribe any medicine for his penis. So he asked anxiously how it was going to be. The doctor said, 'Be patient, it would whither, dry up and fall off by itself.'


  1. I take it that the govt is not going to alleviate the plight of the unemployed or admitting that they cannot do anything above it

  2. Gahmen this, gahmen that. Singaporeans are really one of a kind. On one hadn you complain of too much govt interference in your lives. Then, in the same breath, you say gahmen must provide jobs. Hello, wake up, people. No gahmen in this world can guarantee they will be able to provide jobs for all their citizens. Why can't you guys be more like the filipinos or Indonesians for a change ? Their gahmens can't provide enough jobs, so what do they do ? They go overseas to seek their livelihoods.

  3. do i notice these two anonymous are not the same person?
