
ge: internet kopitiam no talk politics

Bloggers, podcasts online may be subject to Parliamentary Elections Act By Farah Abdul Rahim, Channel NewsAsia i think people can talk politics in kopitiams and the markets or in the pubs during the general elections. there are many people who are not members of any political parties but have their own websites and blogs featuring general elections related matters. if people in the kopitiams can talk about politics, why can't individuals in internet kopitiams talk politics? is freedom of expression to be curbed? kopitiams and internet kopitiams all cannot talk politics or subject to what, parliamentary election acts? huh?these people are encouraged to be less apathetic and show more interests in politics during non election time. but during election time, only politicians can talk politics. the rest must be apolitical. encouraged not to be interested in politics. after the election is over, every kopitiam can reopen for talkshop sessions and pretend to be interested in politics again. would bloggers be curbed? why can't singaporeans say their peace as long as they don't spread lies or libels? should people be allowed to talk politics in kopitiams and not in internet? do we know why singaporeans are not interested in politics?


Anonymous said...

they can curb online chats. they can ban, censor or even sue for slander. but they cannot stop people from saying what they want.

best to allow the internet to be free.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

hi abao,

i think those people they really want to curb will be the people who will really find a way to say their peace. the people who will shut up will be the innocent or neutral bloggers.

they will probably say, what the hell. and then stay out for the time being.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Hear ye Hear ye...

Ball-lickers of the Totalitarian State, aka The Young PAP Forum, placed a block on my IP-address in Australia.

When I go to the ypap url, I get the following message:

Young PAP Discussion Forum Forum Index
Critical Information

You have been banned from this forum.
Please contact the webmaster or board administrator for more information.

So far, I have received no explanation for this. OK, I do agree that no one is really "obligated" to give me any explanation at all... ah perhaps I'm expecting a little too much from the ypap moderators.

All I did, as I recall was share my opinions (which is what you do on the net) with the rest of the forum - specifically in this case, I was giving the Islamo fascists a caning - expatiating on the already heavily discussed issues on freedom of speech and expression in the Danish Cartoon situation.

As I've said before, Freedom of Speech is not what others "think" or :feel" it is - because if you allow people other than yourself to determine what freedom of speech is, they will make the motherfucking rules for you, and "forbid" you to use words like "fuck" and "cunt" and "slut".

Well the Mother Cuntry can shove is ALL up their COLLECTIVE ARSES. I'm not going to be told by anybody as to what the I can say and what I can't.

And I expect politics, race and religion to be HOT TOPICS for discussion, because they are extremely DIVISIVE in nature. Thus they evoke strong emotion and often neurotic but lethal actions. MAGNIFICENT!

Now ain't that sumthin' :-)

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Here a freedom of speech one for you:


Let's give these folks some encouragement! :-)

Anonymous said...


I do not think you will be greeted with open arms when you get to Changi Airport?

Anonymous said...

I doubt race and religion would. When a discussion politics should be, it should end up constructive, even if it is highly critical via figures or plain political logic/theory/whatever.

This is a regretful f**king happening if so because there is simply no such thing as non-criticism for well-known figures. And I believe even I received doses of 'criticism' from Reddie even when who the f*** would know Elfred.

But so? You take that in a stride. And in the 80s thru' 90s, I have grown up being out-spoken through MM, SM and, now, this PM's era.



If you are good, you are good; if you are not good, you just ain't. People shall praise and criticise, even if they have to go Malaysia, Indonesia or Australia to do it.


And if louya means louya, no matter it's 6% growth or 10%, CERT OR NO CERT.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i agree with anonymous. in fact my first premise when i post in ypap forum, is to acknowledge the fact that it is their living room where visitors come for a visit. so it is a bit unfriendly for me to be too critical of them. and to throw vulgarity at them would be more than being unfriendly.

so i just say my peace without ruffling too many feathers.

matilah, you are asking too much of the goodness of man. you go there and shit in their living room, sure they won't be happy. and now with election around the corner, can't expect them to invite people to their forum to tear them down right?

and elfred, i was tickling you only lah: )

Anonymous said...

No matter, I am in an obvious shit-ty situation in the LOO. So emm... Sigh... Anyone got any lobang, or need people to guard your office/operation out there, do drop me an email. I can stay out for as long as possible. :D Best in China, so I can have reunion with me wife over there.

Then got S$15k or not I no care liao...

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

To anonymous:

I fly in and out of Changi many times a year. Most of my trips of course, are back to Aust.

I have always held Changi to be one of the best airports in the world. It is spotlless, well-appointed and efficient.

I have neven been stopped, search or hassled.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

redbean wrote: >> matilah, you are asking too much of the goodness of man. you go there and shit in their living room, sure they won't be happy. and now with election around the corner, can't expect them to invite people to their forum to tear them down right? <<


I suppose I was being a tad too "hopeful".

I pur it down to my indefatigable spirit, my constant Positively Menstrual Attitue (PMA - behave like bitch), and irrepressible sense of enthusiasm.

They can all blow me :-) :-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

i am not sure matilah.

i think they will be more tolerable if you kick them hard but on issues and perhaps make look at something positive out of it. then maybe criticism will be better received.

your screaming for anarchism is nothing that offensive i suppose, as it is a voice in the wilderness. a youthful idealism.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

Precisely redbean. All my yammerings can be simply ignored by those who who ALLOW themselves to be annoyed. Idiots, no mind control! :-)

Frankly, I' ambivalent to whether or not S'pore should change. Many of the folks who make the laws - I know from school, and they know me. So, sometimes I tend to care, then I catch myself and let go - and don't care anymore!

I subscibe to the wu wei principle of Lao Tze, the world's first anarchist. People make choices to action which may or may not affect the spontaneous order. There is little you can do to change it, but you can change yourself, and direct your life such that you AVOID pitfalls due to someone else's BAD DECISIONS and JUDGEMENT.

Singapore is on a downward spiral. She is FUCKED, and is fucking herself up more, on the slippery way down the sewer of iniquity.

The attempt to silence opinion is a hall mark of every civilization that has collapsed - in hte entirety of human history. If you have tyranny, and corruption and an oppression and supression of dissent, then you have a civilization in DEEP SHIT.

So fuck the Mother Cuntry, if they want to gag me, I'll return the favour: if they come to Oz I will gag them with my oh-so fat cock (think can of coke). They will gag so hard, last night's dinner will come up as they go into a near-death-experience, and the paramedics will have to do CPR and defibrilate them! LOL! :-)

They can do what the fuck they like. I'll make sure i do my part: to make sure that Matilah_Singapura and his bluster of opinion is PERMANENTLY on the net!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

mao said, i think, life is full of contradictions. it is not easy to remain consistent and unchanging in our views on things. and our views may sway from right to left and right to wrong.

you amibivalent? no big deal. everyone is ambivalent. even god is ambivalent. i too am one. today say yes but tomorrow say no. things are fluid and circumstances change.

a nation that is doing well has nothing to fear and the people will have only good things to say. yes, when you have to gag then things are not ok.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

quite true. what the communist and totalitarian states did and failed, we did it in class.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing freaking about wanting to be 'cock-sure 'bout the future'. I also want to be cock-sure too.

But that is just too bad when the government tries to be cock-sure about anything or everything that it is not really so cock-sure about and remains so cocky over it.

Mao was a big scheming liar, of course alot of things to him would appear contradictions.

Anonymous said...

That's nothing freaking about wanting to be 'cock-sure 'bout the future'. I also want to be cock-sure too.

But that is just too bad when the government tries to be cock-sure about anything or everything that it is not really so cock-sure about and remains so cocky over it.

Mao was a big scheming liar, of course alot of things to him would appear contradictions.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

>> Guess Who said...

That's nothing freaking about wanting to be 'cock-sure 'bout the future'. I also want to be cock-sure too.<<

I never alluded to it being "freaking". Of course it is natural that everyone wants to be sure. we are hard-wired to for expectations to be what they are, or to occur the way we would like them to.

Absolute certainty in all contexts is not possible. But people get HUNG UP about uncertainty, and FOCUS on it, and build FEARS over it. That cuases anxiety, and decisions are then made in an anxious state.

Then the fun starts. :-)

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

this cocksure thing only happens in a young mind. a young mind thinks it can control everything, if carefully planned.

an old cock mind will know that there is no such thing as cocksure except dying.

there is some change in this belief. but still some quarters think that everything is within their control.