
nkf: forgive and forget

a forumer, carol chua siew gek, wrote to straits times asking the people to forgive durai as he is human after all. (i hope people will not take this as an admission of guilt.) and he had done a lot of good in transforming nkf into what it is today. personally, forgiving a wrongdoer is acceptable, especially for such a great talent. what i think durai should do is to make a public apology to the people, especially the donors and those kidney patients whom he had turned away. and then pay back whatever ill gotten money he took from nkf. he can then be reemployed by one of the glcs to raise fund or make money for the country. he can also sell his memoir and produce a film on his adventure in nkf. that will bring him a lot of money from royalties. he could also go on a world tour to give public lectures on motivation and creativity. and the govt can showcase to the world that we are a very forgiving nation and we really value talents, including fallen talents. and he can be the poster boy for the yellow ribbon project. the forgiveness shall also extend to all the board directors and excos and all the employees who received extra ordinary pay and bonuses. but they must also make a refund to nkf for money not rightfully theirs. and apologise as well. we must also engage chia teck leng as the senior consultant for our two casinos. pin on him a yellow ribbon as well.


  1. Imagine you are one of those who have contributed towards NKF for many years. Now you find that your contributions have largely gone to finance lavish lifestyles, enormous bonuses, large salaries and large increases, back dated pays, conversion of leave to cash etc etc. To add salt to the wound, you are now told that only 10 cents in every dollar went to the patients. Will you be in a frame of mind to forgive and forget?

  2. hi speed,
    people should learn to forgive, although sometimes the pain is so bad and it is very difficult to do so. forget is another thing. forgiving doesn't mean must forget. better to remember quietly in case bad habits come back and the harm done the second time can be worst.

    people so wrong. and if people recognise and acknowledge their mistakes, that is a good step forward. but they cannot run away from punishment. it is like karma, you pay for what you reap and you be forgiven if you are sincere.

    a criminal pays his price in jail. his bad deeds forgiven but not forgotten. but if he is unrepentent, different story.

  3. Hi Redbean,
    I know of someone who earns $1100 per month. He has a wife and two young children to support. I was told he contributed $50 every month to the NKF. He did that for a number of years. I just cannot imagine how disappointed he must have felt when the whole NKF saga was brought out in the open.

    I must say this, I would understand if he is unwilling to forgive and forget.

  4. hi speed,
    it all boils down to individuals and their motives. and this could be shaped by society and social values. our society has gone down the wrong path for many years. like you said and confirmed, we are money crazy.

    a simple charitable organisation set up to help kidney patients is being transformed to a money hoarding organisation with raising fund and keeping money as their prime motives. how much do they need to save, for how many years, no one knows or want to know. just save as much as possible.

    gerard ee was in the news to explain actually the other 90c did not disappear. but that is not enough as a reason. the money must go to the patients and not to the kitty. people donate for the patients immediate needs not to keep for their grandchildren.

    we have the same problem with our national reserve. keep as much as possible. but how much and when is enough? what about returning some to the people. and the cpf also suffered from the same sickness. keeping people's money for as long as they wnat for an unknown future. immediate needs can go to hell.

    now we know we are sick. does the policymakers know or still in hallucination?
