
COVID-19 Singapore: Leading The Daft, Desperate And Diehard Into A Brave New World

Going it alone, irrespective of potential and foreseeable consequences, Singapore has boldly and bravely removed the need to quarantine travellers from certain countries and regions.

This action requires leadership with the arts and guts of playing with fire, which Singapore has no shortage of. That's why they are paid a political salary many times above the highest paid leaders of the world.

Even though this new no-measure measure will not be reciprocated, Singapore is still courageously going ahead. This is because the no-starter, brilliant travel bubble idea that has been proposed by Singapore, and discussed with a few countries previously, are not working in its current form. Therefore, it will not continue anymore. In its place, this kamikaze, harakiri, seppuku Japanese method is being adopted in order to serve the needs of those who desperately need to get out of their countries.

Effective from Thursday 26 August 2021, visitors from Hongkong and Macau will be added to the list of travelers from countries / territories that are allowed to participate in this one-sided, self-destruct, open-door measure.

This desperate unilateral admission of visitors (probably addicted high-risk casinos gamblers) from Hong Kong and Macau without quarantine is part of a months-old scheme that has already been extended to Mainland China, Taiwan and New Zealand.

That could probably explain why the number of COVID-19 infections in Singapore has shot up the last few weeks?

According to the authorities, Singapore citizens, Permanent Residents and Long-term Pass-Holders arriving from Hong Kong and Macau will have earlier access to the scheme, starting this Saturday 21 August.

Travellers from such countries / territories will need only a negative result from a polymerase chain reaction test. They do not have to be vaccinated. (Vaccination seems to have no effect against infections?)

In addition, Singapore will be starting a quarantine-free travel corridor with Germany next month.

This is good news for the daft, desperate and diehard who are tired of waiting for the Pandemic to be over.

It is great news for those who are tired of living!

LIPS At Your Service.


  1. Sinkingland's filthy rich Multi-Millionaire Mini-stars and their bodyguards-protected family members are securely and safely protected not only from physical harms but also from the Covid19 Pandemic. Whether they are vaccinated or not, we do not know, and can never know, unless they reveal it to us voluntarily.

    They will not be easily infected by COVID-19 disease. They will surely not die from COVID-19 complications.

    However, they are making decisions for their own selfish interests (to keep their highly expensive rice own bowls), disguised as national economic-survival interests, that will seriously affect the health and life of the people, the masses.

    It is the poor masses, especially the elderly, who will be easily infected and die from COVID-19 complications.

    The self-proclaimed natural aristocrat Multi-Billionaire Paymaster rewards his Multi-Millionaire Mini-stars for their loyalty and obedience. He tells them what to or not do. They will obediently do as told, instructed or directed.

    Therefore, the decisions and policies made by the filthy rich Multi-Millionaires Mini-stars are actually coming from one person or one family.

    Logically correct, or not?
    What do you think?

  2. It's been proven past few days that the elderly, whether vaccinated or not, are relatively likely to die if kena COVID-19.

    The millions-dollars-paid PAP 4G Ministers are throwing the elderly, our aged parents, under the bus in favor of the easy way out re-opening the economy, pandering to the expatriates, without eradicating the pathogen in our midst.

  3. Come next General's Erection, family members, relatives and friends of the elderlies who died must do justice on behalf of the dead. Blood is on their hands.

  4. The hyping of the elderly dying due to Covid19 is done in very bad taste. Many would die due to their age and many with many prevailing medical conditions.

    Old people are likely to die when their time is up, one way or another. Using the virus and unvaccinated tag is unfair.

  5. Well, the USA used the flu and vaping to cover up deaths due to COVID19 in early 2019. How to prove is now impossible with all the effort made not to let the cat out of the bag. Like Iraq the truth can be fabricated.


  6. COVID-19 SINGAPORE - More and More People Are Dying!

    A 91-year-old woman and an 87-year-old man have died of COVID-19 complications, becoming Singapore's 11th and 12th deaths from the coronavirus in so 12 days.

    The 91-year-old woman died on Saturday (Aug 21), said the Ministry of Health (MOH) on Sunday.

    As sure as the sun will rise tomorrow morning, the MOH has been quick to repeat the repeatedly chanted mantra that the victim had not been vaccinated against COVID-19, and as usual, like many others who died of COVID-19 in Singapore, had a history of chronic kidney disease, heart disease, hypertension, hyperlipidaemia and hyperparathyroidism.

    Given her medical conditions, how the hell could she be vaccinated in the first place?

    This is a clear indication of someone repeating the flogged-to-death mantra, in order to frighten and subtly coerce old people into allowing themselves to be jabbed with the big Pharma money-making, experimental, dubious mRNA vaccines, without thinking.

    It looks like the COVID-19 Pandemic has turned highly intelligent people into imbeciles!

  7. Those who died despite having vaccinated, the vaccines have not only have no benefits but increased the risks of death.

  8. @KNN - what was the question?

  9. Given her medical conditions, how the hell could she be vaccinated in the first place?

    That's a question for her doctors to make together with her and her family members.

    My friend is a geriatric physician, and he says old people have multiple illnesses which have to be controlled delicately. Many of the patients are weak and treating one illness may exacerbate something else, even if you don't give the full dose. Ultimately, the doctor will come to a fine balance to control many of the conditions to allow the patient to live as "normally" as possible. People in that age group can sometimes have adverse reactions even to their own existing medication, and they have to change medication.

    So, every patient has to be evaluated individually according to the type of illness, likelihood of infection from environment and family members, and known side effects and adverse reactions to the vaccine for that particular age group or illness. The very first person in the world to get the Pfizer vaccine was a 91 year old woman in the UK. She is doing fine for now.

  10. Some Ruthless PAP Minion Stars will pay a political price in the coming GE in 2024-25.

    Those dead souls and spirits will be very unhappy and vengeful.

  11. Aiya! The rich can afford to have doctors, consultants, professors and countless nurses to tend to and extend the lives of their dying relatives, and still be financially alright. The rest of us will be in debt if we try to do the same. Complain for what? Why you never choose Robert Kuok, or Li Ka Shing, or Ong Beng Seng to be your parents?


    Workers in selected sectors in Singapore will be required to either be vaccinated or undergo regular testing from 1 October, starting with the public service.

    In an updated advisory issued on Monday (23 Aug), the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) said that under the “Vaccinate or Regular Test” (VoRT) regime, employers will be required to bear some costs that are “necessary and common” for both vaccinated and unvaccinated employees.

    Employers, however, can require medically eligible but unvaccinated employees, excluding employees who are medically ineligible for mRNA vaccines, to bear additional costs such as COVID-19 related expenses.

    “These expenses can be recovered either through salary deductions or by requiring these employees to pay the relevant service provider directly,” said MOM.

    Learn more
    Unvaccinated employees may be discharged later from treatment or may be served with longer periods of movement restrictions such as Stay-Home Notices compared to vaccinated employees, the ministry added.

    “In such situations, employers can require that the additional days a medically eligible but unvaccinated employee has to serve, be taken from existing leave entitlements.

    “If leave entitlements have been exhausted, employers may require such an employee to go on no-pay leave,” said MOM.

    Employers may also opt to exclude these employees from medical benefits associated with COVID-19 such as insurance coverage.

    The frequency of testing can be derived from the frequency under the Ministry of Health (MOH)’s guidelines, such as twice a week for unvaccinated employees in selected sectors.

    A test done under the existing Fast and Easy Testing (FET) or the Rostered Routine Testing (RRT) regime, namely either a Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test or supervised FET, also counts towards this requirement, said the ministry.

    Unvaccinated employees may also be required to undergo Pre-Event Testing (PET) before participating in workplace events.

    Smaller group sizes may also be arranged when unvaccinated employees participate in such events, especially those involving mask-off activities, in line with the prevailing MOH guidelines.


  13. Kamala Harris is meeting the Ta-Lee Band in Singapore today.

    Wonder what secret message she is carrying from the Mafia Chief of the Whitemen's House to the Singapore Ta-Lee Band Chief?

    Or to ask (coerce) the Ta-Lee Band to help get other ASEAN Countries on the US side against China?

    Either way, the purpose of her visit cannot be good for Singapore and Singaporeans, except maybe to the elites only.

  14. Singapore's vaccinated travel lane arrangement with Germany was on Thursday announced by the city-state, which also extended the initiative to Brunei.
    Popular online travel booking site Expedia said searches for travel from Singapore to destinations in Germany spiked nearly 10 times, and interest was also high for travel from Germany to Singapore.
    Searches for travel from Hong Kong, Macao also rose, Expedia said. That's after Singapore also lifted border restrictions for visitors from the two Chinese territories.

    Let's hope proper procedures are in place to prevent people from high risk countries taking advantage of this ruling, sneak into these countries to come to Singapore to avoid quarantine.

  15. This is an interesting observation. Wonder what was going on in Kamala's mind when she met a Muslim President in Halimah. Maybe she got used to it oredy as the President before Trump was President Hussein Obama.

    Hope she is careful when making negative comments about the Taliban and Muslims.

  16. Singapore PM Lee backs US as ‘guarantor’ of security in Asia as Harris was grilled over Afghanistan chaos.

    Kamala Harris emphasised US commitment to the region and demurred when asked about Afghanistan withdrawal, insisting Washington was ‘singularly’ focused on evacuations

    Lee Hsien Loong said Singapore was ‘grateful’ the US had prevented terrorist groups using Afghanistan as a base, adding that Washington’s response to the unfolding crisis would shape perceptions in Asia.

    Dogs are always obediendtly grateful to their Masters.

  17. Every where they go, everyday, you will hear the Americans instigating countries to attack China, attack Russia, attack N Korea, attack Iran, attack this and attack that.

    Can these trouble makers be a force of peace, a benign empire? Are people to blind to see, so deaf to hear what the evil Americans are doing everywhere to stir shit, start wars, create trouble and instability?
