
Shanmugam the real PM?

In an article in thestatestimesreview titled ‘Singapore’s real PM is K Shanmugam, not Lee Hsien Loong’, Alex Tan has an interesting read on the political development in Singapore. Of course this is just his opinion. I would take a different view on this, but here are some paragraphs from the article.

‘Like the Chinese dynasty history where rouge Prime Ministers controlled their puppet emperors, Singapore’s Law Minister K Shanmugam has a similar rein over the weak Prime Minister. It certainly doesn’t help with Lee Hsien Loong being ...fickle-minded, but a blanket silence on the furious debates raging in the recent headlines only goes to show the extent of his impotence….
Spend money? Lee Hsien Loong and Ho Ching is there. Raise taxes? Heng Swee Keat will take care of it. Day-to-day government affairs? Leave it to the Law Minister.
This begs the question: Who is then the real Prime Minister?....
Welding two heavyweight ministerial profiles, Home Affairs and Law Minister K Shanmugam wrote his own green paper, sat in his own Select Committee and now he is going to enact new his own censorship laws. He went to Parliament calling Sylvia Lim “dishonest” and slithered away when facts proved him wrong. The same snake of a minister wrote new laws allowing policemen to lethally shoot protesters, strip search women, and give himself extra-judiciary powers to ban media and communication.
K Shanmugam is no longer only a Law Minister, his new lawless powers made him the new dictator of Singapore – surpassing the PM and his two deputy PMs. Lee Hsien Loong is only as relevant as Halimah Yacob, his premiership is just ceremonial while the one in full power is the Law Minister.
Lee Hsien Loong may be stepping down, but everyone is asking the wrong question who is the actual one in power. The likely PM successor, Minister Chan Chun Sing, will be just another puppet to K Shanmugam.’

My point that differs from Alex Tan is that what Hsien Loong is doing is about delegation of duties. With all the ministers being paid millions, how can they not be expected to assume full duties and responsibilities in their ministries? And these are not your normal average people, they are super super talents and not allowing them to do their jobs would be a disservice and injustice to their super super talents.
Hsien Loong is doing the right thing by making them work and not sitting on their butts. Shanmugam is seen as doing a lot of work simply because he has two ministries under him. So he has to work harder and the unquestionable talent to go with it.

Of course there would be people who would question the danger of too much power given to one man, in Shanmugam, and the risk that he could usurp his power to be the real or de facto PM. The possibility is there, but Hsien Loong is in full control and would not allow it to happen. The two DPMs knew, and the 4th generation leaders also knew that Hsien Loong is the one calling the shot.

Shanmugam would not be the next PM even if Alex Tan thinks he is wielding too much power as a minister versus his other colleagues, even the DPMs. It looks that way but this is only an impression. What is the real politikings behind the scene only Hsien Loong knows. He is the PM and he is in charge.

OK both views are just opinions. Please don’t label them as fake news. Everyone is entitled to his view and opinion. You guys reading can have yours as well, and very different from the two of us.

I am not sure what those fake news control freaks would be thinking. They all look so innocent and holy. You know a devil when you see one.


  1. // Singapore’s real PM is K Shanmugam, not Lee Hsien Loong’//

    This is a clear cut Fake News Lah. The Law Min is the barking fellow to the tech giants & nothing else la. Just because he talks a lot to the tech giants doesn't make him a PeeAm of this tiny red dot Lah.

  2. Dying Dynasty always usurped by the Evil Councillor/s or Eunuchs.

    Before the Prince can be installed as Emperor, the Eunuch will take over.

    Same, same as Sinking Land.

    1. @ Virgo49 March 28, 2018 8:53 am
      //Dying Dynasty always usurped by the Evil Councillor/s or Eunuchs.
      Before the Prince can be installed as Emperor, the Eunuch will take over.//

      Wah ...!

      Uncle Virgo49, your Chinese history knowledge kuat kuat, very goooood, jin qia ho, heng hao, bagus ..., MSN readers agree?

      Sounds very intriguing ... pls pray tell more .... can?

  3. Whoever assumes the throne, Singapore politics will be the same old model. Nothing will change for the better. Just wait and see. It will be the same style and the G4 government will be just like it is now.

  4. 9.24 am no need to be sarcastic to Virgo. U need to be sodomized to behave๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

    1. @ Anonymous March 28, 2018 10:08 am
      //9.24 am no need to be sarcastic to Virgo. U need to be sodomized to behave//

      Are u actually implicitly referring to uncle rb?

      His "sarcastic" writing style is world famous ... no?

      If like that, then he would have been sodomised many many times liao after each post ... tiok bor?

      Who are you to adjudicate sarcastic or not sarcastic?

      U that AH mati, izzit?

      Forgot take prescription?

  5. @ Anonymous March 28, 2018 10:04 am
    //Whoever assumes the throne, Singapore politics will be the same old model. Nothing will change for the better. Just wait and see. It will be the same style and the G4 government will be just like it is now.//

    Aiyo ...

    What tawking u?

    Whatever u wrote are just "ex-ante conjecture" lah, .... no?

    It is "only verifiable ex-post" lah, tiok bor ....?

  6. 10.15 am, walau i think this is a job cut out for matilar or angkongkia, so enjoy yiur journey. just apply oil befire it begins

    1. @ Anonymous March 28, 2018 10:56 am
      //10.15 am, walau i think this is a job cut out for matilar or angkongkia, so enjoy yiur journey. just apply oil befire it begins//

      10.56am, karma is a bitch ... u (matiscum) or kongcumkia ought to know ... it is not "if" but "when" ... shi jian dao jiu pao bu tiao ... ruo yao ren bu zhi, chu fei ji mo wei ...?

  7. Wah, RB...you've really started to stir up a potential hornet's nest here.

    You have my applause. This fella to whom you refer, is a dangerous guy. He is also very fucking wicked smart and ambitious (look at his bio)...This guy has a habit of "reaching the top" ever since he was a kid in school. He's "hip" tp all the goings on in the real world and the internet. The guy is incredibly "switched on". Plus, you can bet, he knows a thing or two about psychology.(if you don't know, Google lah!) ๐Ÿ˜‰ As the records show, if he sets his sights on something, he goes for it, and gets it.

    He has the balls to go to Washington and tell the Americans that Singapore's controlled media is far superior than their "free press".

    Since the Rule Of Law is the governing principle behind any cuntry, Law & Home Affairs essentially have all the power. They can lock down the entire island, place curfews and checkpoints. They can arrest ANYONE (including the president and PM) if required.

    It looks like I'm falling over myself with praise for this fella. No, I'm merely regurgitating facts with an attached opinion.

    Tread carefully uncle!

    1. @ Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️March 28, 2018 11:05 am//This fella to whom you refer, is a dangerous guy.//
      //Tread carefully uncle!//

      Other people "dangerous" then u leh?


      Then why jump when see own shadow?


  8. Wait, wait, there is a famous historian bro who is very well versed in Dynasty's History. He can explain better: Liu Pei, Kuang Kong and White face scholar and Black Face Eunuch etc.

    Cheers.Got to concentrate on my Roulette.

    1. Uncle Virgo49,

      MSN readers know your diligence, hard drive and altruism but hor ... cannot keep work and work but forgot to nourish yourself ... ok?

      Meal time remember at least grab some pork floss bak kwa sandwich and fill your stomach at the high tables in front of the MC big screen, ke yi ma?

      Meanwhile can clobble your thoughts there too and post some on msn, sounds gd?

  9. @ 10.15 am

    >>walau i think this is a job cut out for matilar or angkongkia, so enjoy yiur journey. just apply oil befire it begins <<

    eh, I tell you...you are the motherfuckers who can't wait to see US & China & Russia all fight, so you oso think I have "a job" of some "purpose" here.

    I tell you lah, how many times orledie? I cum here for shiok sendiri only lah. No "job" to do here lah. If I work at "job" I get money. Here I get my own par chiew cheng shiok. Can or not?

    ๐จณ’ไฝ ่€ๆฏ่‡ญ้–ช!! ๐Ÿคฃ ๐Ÿ˜ˆ

  10. @1118

    >> Other people "dangerous" then u leh?

    "Angel"? <<

    Aiyoh please lah. Just because I got cheebye mouth...which I freely admit to...doesn't make me dangerous lah. I mind my own business. I'm always under the radar. You think I so gundu I go Singapore and kwai lan with PAP? Donch be silly. PAP & kaki-lang like susu. Pak buay si!⚰️

    Roy Ngreng...kwai lan kia...kena susu. JBJ and CSJ kwai lan kia kena susu until pok kai. PAP lui, pow ka leow. Every tin oso pow ka leow.

    Make lui plenty plenty as boss. Foreigner plenty, work cheap ๐Ÿค‘ ai pi ai si ai tua lip ni lah . Go Geyland pok charbo until lan jiau pomchek...

    ...for what make trouble? Singapore shiok lah. Enjoy! ๐Ÿคก

  11. Matilar, why get so agitated. The anon merely shows you the path to get free ass to screw and no one is asking u to pay money lar. It's better than u shoot your own small Canon Tio bo? That anon needs help mah and you are doing him, yourself and the world a good service Tio bo? It also Beats screwing all your familiar victims in the incest thingi.๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€๐Ÿ˜€

  12. @anon 12.47pm

    Don't disturb Matilar. It's his shiok-ness to "punch or screw" abirth his own weights...mind u Lah..u never experienced his 'whoo-li-gang' style in this blog before ..u may be Or Bak Ka ah.

  13. @ Ⓜatilah $ingapura March 28, 2018 12:26 pm (aka "bruised li" aka shan zai real version)

    //Just because I got cheebye mouth...which I freely admit to...doesn't make me dangerous lah.//

    Oh ya hor ... make sense rt?

    Tank kew for confessing to the (3-yo) oldies that albeit a "xxxxxxx" mouth, u are just outside dirty dirty inside (very) holy holy ... maciam a poodle ... tiok bor?

    MSN oldies all 3-yo mah ... surely believe u lah ... ok?

  14. KNN Matilah, I thought I was saying all the politically correct things.

  15. Absolute Power Corrupts AbsolutelyMarch 28, 2018 2:15 pm

    Alex is spot on! I have no time to srite, otherwise I would dig out all the relevant facts to suppot Alex's observations and assertions (not fake news. It is just his opinion.

    How can an opinion be considered fake news?

    An opinion is nust that, an opinion. It can be correct or inaccurate. But definitely NOT Fake News.

    Whoever says an opinion is "Fake News" must go back to primary school again or get his brain checked by a psychiatric doctor.

  16. @RB

    Echoing the great Harry Lee: "I'd rather be CORRECT than politically correct"

    But I'm just a Joe Average fella.. so I'll settle for being "less wrong" ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

  17. One thing about KS, he can take the slings and arrows. Thick skin.

    I'll bet he's a contender for PM job.

    So you might be right on your "politically correct" assessment ๐Ÿ˜Ž

  18. “Someone who is a clever speaker and maintains a contrived smile is seldom considered to be a really good person.” - Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. When a guy is given the Law Ministry, he is in-charge of appointing judges to the Courts and the Judiciary, overseeing the Law Society, monitoring all the legal professions in the country, reviewing and introducing new laws, ensuring that Parliament is run properly, etc. This guy has a lot of power, for sure. He can even over-rule the President and the Prime Minister, as far as legal matters are concerned.

    When a guy is given the Ministry of Home Affairs (Interior), he is in-charge of ensuring the internal security of the country and the safety of personnel in the country, law and order, investigation crimes, arresting offenders, violators and criminals, prosecuting them, and jailing convicts, etc. He controls the Police, the CID, CPIB, Police Special Force, Body Guards to Ministers, etc. This guy has a lot of Executive Powers, don't play a fool with him. He can even put the Prime Minister and the President under House Arrest and prosecute them if necessary.

    When a guy is given BOTH the Ministry of Law and Ministry of Home Affairs simultaneously, he is not only more powerful than the Prime Minister, HE IS "GOD"!

    So, brothers and sisters, uncles and aunties, if you ever become a Prime Minister, NEVER assign the same guy with both the Law Ministry and the Home Affairs Ministry simultaneously. You do it at your own peril. Don't play play!

    P/S: GOD needs the Son and the Holy Ghost in order to reach out to those souls who need to be saved. Without the Son and the Holy Ghost, no matter how omnipotent or how omniscient, He is isolated, powerless and always in the Dark.

  21. Kim Jung-Un and his wife was having dinner with Xi Jing-ping and his wife together at the Great Hall of the People's Exclusive Restaurant for V VIPs. They enjoyed their dinner, especially Peking Duck, very much. They drank a toast for continuous cordial friendship that can never be separated by any cunning third party manipulators, especially those from the Red Devils.

    Now, all those propaganda of Kim having turned upon Xi can be put to rest. It was all a waste of time and efforts. How silly and stupid!

    P/S: Oh, yes, Kim's wife brought along very special gifts for Xi's wife and children. What were the very special gifts? You have to ask those who opened the gifts.

  22. @anon 6.16pm

    It showed China diplomatic relations with its neighbor to be as strong as ever, nobody can destroy this kind of relationship. Dotard is jus too late but only wanto have trade wars to improve their own economy first.

  23. @ cranium 6.01pm

    ..ah long gor is juz making use of these fellows to do the job for him, these r only his chess pawns, behind the scene nobody know what happen or who is the mastermind, there will b cabinet reshuffle, after making use of them there will be asked to 'retire' Liao,lets wait n see.

  24. Where is the fool that came here everyday berating that Kim was anti China and pro Russia and that Kim could only depend on Russia and not China?

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. @457:

    >> “Someone who is a clever speaker and maintains a contrived smile is seldom considered to be a really good person.” - Confucius, 551 BC - 479 BC <<

    Logical fallacy: Argument from Antiquity

    also, if one considers Confucius an "authority" on such matters as reading body language :

    Logical Fallacy: Argument from authority

    If you use this kind of "proof by quoting some dead asshole" against the likes of KS, he will eat you up like his morning dosai, then shit you out, and flush you away. ๐Ÿ˜

    We all put on/ display affectations now and then...it's normal human behaviour--- everyone in professional life has to do it as part of their job. But IMO, KS is genuine. He actually believes what he's doing is right. That's why there could be danger there.

  27. @Matilah 8.56pm

    Not to worry Lah, Confusius will make the snake twister law maker more confused confusing to follow each terms & clause will all be confused such that everybody will be so confused confuSing that it is even useless to uphold any law lest the garblemen wanto contradick themselves, bet u every laws that they set is gonna come to haunt them if not now but when the d-dey times arrives.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. @927

    Since when has KS been a "snake twister"? The guy shoots straight lah.

    Lee Kuan Yew never confused anyone. Nor did he contradict himself. If he said he's going to do something, he just did it. Didn't give a fuck if people liked it or agree. Same with KS. He doesn't give a shit whether you like, or if you KPKB on his Facebook page.

    Put it this way, if you don't have anyone or anything to stop you using your power, why the fuck should you lie or mislead? The PAP have all the power. No one has been successful at opposing them. If the person is too much trouble...kena expelled if foreigner. If local, kena whack hard until peng san by "the law".

    The sg.gov even tells the whole fucking world...including USA: "Fuck you, we run the cuntry our way" Even when neighbours complain that PAP anyhow suka-suka use them as "bad examples"...like Thailand or Phillipines, they oso kena "Fuck you, we know how to do lah. We do so we don't end up like you...shithole cuntries!"

    This kind of arrogance hard to find. Moh dic ting. And I always say, I dun blame the sg.gov. For 5 decades the people accept, so you tell me lah...isn't it natural that it turns out that they actually BELIEVE what they are doing is "right" for the nation and the people? And that anyone who dissents...or even hints of impropriety (recent example: Sylvia) is squashed like a bug, immediately.

    If you want to slight the for their character, slight them for being arrogant and tyrannical. (ie. you anyhow say, kena sue bo pan chan...and they tell you beforehand, they will tekan you upside down until you pok kai).

    They are straight shooters lah. You ask "How much money in reserves?" They tell you straight "None of your business!" You want to vote president ah? "Cannot. We already have our own idea of who should be president". "Gimme CPF!" Response: "No, fuck off. If we give you the money, you'll spend it. Go away!"

    OK, don't go away. Kwai lan some more. Make Youtube video. Go Hong Lim, talk shit... Mata mata lai lo, begin "collecting evidence".

    "Wah, Si mi lan jiau izzit? Sue you lah! Now spend the next 20 years paying it off! "

    They shoot straight. And don't often miss. Best part: Sheeple keep voting them in again and again! So the "rule by fear" argument is also false lah.

    So how?

  30. " What is the real politikings behind the scene only Hsien Loong knows. He is the PM and he is in charge. "

    The link,
    20170619 【ENG】Put up or shut up for Lee Hsien Loong ... - YouTube

    20170706【ENG】Tears of Lee Hsien Loong and the ... - YouTube

    Francis Seow : The Interview

    Singapore's Sordid Accounts - New Matilda

  31. Psycho-Analysis StudentMarch 28, 2018 11:16 pm

    @ 856 pm:

    "We all put on/ display affectations now and then...it's normal human behaviour--- everyone in professional life has to do it as part of their job. But IMO, KS is genuine. He actually believes what he's doing is right. That's why there could be danger there."

    Totally agree with your observation that KS genuinely believes what he has been doing are NEVER wrong, and therein lies the danger.

    As a lawyer, having been trained, and practised for donkey years, in legal matters, one should have know fully well that nothing is of 100% probability , not even 80% certainty in the real world of practicality.

    If his conviction is such that he is always right (he strongly believes he is right while all others are wrong) then if there is just a single case that can prove him wrong, his whole foundation of self-righteousness collapses. This is where the danger lies (to the country, to others and to himself).

  32. Yyou all may like to read HRW’s response to Minister K Shanmugam in full here below:

    “On October 30, 2017, Human Rights Watch sent a letter to four senior members of Singapore’s government requesting their input and response to the findings of our research for our 133-page report, “‘Kill the Chicken to Scare the Monkeys’: Suppression of Free Expression and Assembly in Singapore.” The report analyzes the laws and regulations used by the Singapore government to suppress the rights to free speech and peaceful assembly, including the Public Order Act, the Sedition Act, the Broadcasting Act, various penal code provisions, and laws on criminal contempt. The letter, a copy of which is included in an appendix of the report, was sent to Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Minister for Home Affairs K. Shanmugam, Minister for Communications and Information Yaacob Ibrahim, and Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan. Human Rights Watch received no response by the time of publication of the report on December 13, 2017. We still have not received a response.

    As the government has not disputed our factual findings and has not replied to our recommendations, which were offered in good faith to promote and protect free expression and peaceful assembly in Singapore, it is both ironic and absurd that the Ministry of Law and members of the ruling People’s Action Party are now accusing Human Rights Watch of being unwilling to defend our report.

    The Singapore parliament invited Human Rights Watch to give evidence about “Deliberate Online Falsehoods.” Human Rights Watch has no staff based in Singapore. We offered to send the relevant staff member on a particular date, but the committee did not confirm a date that could work for our staff until after we had made other commitments. As we said in our response to parliament, we look forward to reading any submissions and will respond if we think it is necessary and appropriate. To date, no submission has raised any serious question about our factual findings. We have also offered to meet with government officials in Singapore or elsewhere, or relevant parliamentarians, at a mutually convenient date to discuss the report.

    It is now clear that the purpose of the hearing was not to discuss our findings and recommendations in good faith, or to get our input into dealing with “deliberate online falsehoods” in a manner consistent with international standards, but to engage in ridiculous and irrelevant arguments aimed to discredit our report and Human Rights Watch. The people of Singapore are not served by a government and ruling party that appears to be more interested in public grandstanding than having a substantive discussion about threats to the internationally protected rights to freedom of expression and assembly.”

  33. Looks like the Select Committee is a Selective Committee after all.

  34. A committee selected to demonise "fake news" producers can also be appropriately called a Fake News Committee?

  35. With effect 1 August, teachers who drive cars to school will have to pay monthly car park fees to their principals, who will be collecting the extra money to fatten the coffer of the Ministry of Experimentation.

    This comment by Tan Ben was deleted by a main stream media on its Facebook Page:

    "Coming from a husband of an ex-teacher...Since AG [Auditor General] deemed it fair for teachers to pay for their parking at their own expenses, I guess I can advise all my teacher friends to stop the following since it's "fair wages policy":

    1. Children's day gifts, class prizes, motivation prizes, class treats, encouragement cards, motivation posters to help the students.

    2. Additional study resources, revision notes created out of their own free time in the nights, weekends and holidays.

    3. Class charts, decorations, motivation posters, photos printed out of your own money to make the classroom a more positive learning environment.

    4. Marking, lesson planning, research done at night, weekends and your own "protected time" during school holidays. After all, these should be done during your working hours in school right since AG wants to be black and white and you are not paid OT?

    5. Answering parents' messages, emails and phonecalls after your slated working hours at 5pm. Oh yes, don't even use your own internet and mobile data to do so since MOE DID NOT PAY A SINGLE CENT OF YOUR UTILITY BILLS. Doesn't matter if your student have any emergencies or life or death matters in the families. It's fair wage policy remember? Must be fair to you.

    6. Additional remedial/ supplementary lessons/consultation time done after school to help students who are weaker/taking key exams etc.

    7. Giving your students pocket money/buying them food and drinks if they have financial difficulties or going for excursions.

    After all, it's their own fault if they can't afford to bring snacks for long excursions right?

    On top of that, teachers should stop doing the following unless a fee is paid for these non-teaching duties and responsibilities:

    1. Bringing students out for overseas trips/SYF/rehearsals/ community events which often fall on nights and weekends, sacrificing your own family and free time.

    2. Coming back on weekends to conduct workshops for parents to help them help their own child. Come on, from teaching the child to teaching the parent as well? And for free some more??? Private tuition centres are charging from $50 per hour to $100 per hour for the kind of workshops you conduct!

    3. One-to-one meetings with parents to deal with their child's issues. Some more sometimes get scoldings and shouted at for no good reasons. Even counsellors charge a hefty fee in private sector.

    4. Planning and fighting for budget, writing proposals, getting quotations, and all the admin stuff of procurement.

    After all, these are not done during teaching time right?

    There are so much more unseen and unheard sacrifices that parents and students will never know, much less some people at HQ who only wants to implement policies and yet never take the ground feedback into account. While the amount is small, it is a signal from the top management that perhaps, the teachers should learn to be more "fair" to themselves and I fear that the ones who will really lose out will be the next generation.

    In any case, I'm glad that my wife is no longer in the system and doing a less stressful and happier job as a tutor. Pay is not too bad as well."

    With effect 1 April, all military camps will charge parking fees for officers' ncos' and civilian staff's vehicles parked in the camps.

    The Era of Tyranny has already begun!

  36. Do not idolise a human bean even if he thinks he is an immortal or demigod. I can see the strength and goodness of a bean and also the weaknesses and the bad in the same bean.

    All human beans have flaws or are flawed.

    Matilah said this, 'The sg.gov even tells the whole fucking world...including USA: "Fuck you, we run the cuntry our way"'

    I would believe this to some extent in LKY's era. I don't believe in this shit anymore. I do not get stuck in time and think everything is still the same.

  37. Bullshits, the Chartered Bank Robber escaped to Bang Cock and then to one Ang Moh Country.

    Have to compromise No Canning before they allowed Repatriation.

    Michael Pain in the Asrse also reduced the canning strokes.

    Ran our Country our Way? ?

    If you able to punch above your weight, then No Compromise.

    We have our Own Laws to follow. Hey, you Ang Mohs.Supposed to be more civilised than natives. How can you don't respect others laws??

    Now even China Men spilt at our double standards.

    Run the Country Our Way??

    Bluff small children.

    Should see the Korean Drama based on the Korean War.The Chinese peasant soldiers even got shot on the buttocks by the S.Koreans and the Americans and after switch up went to battle again and stripped down their pants to show the enemies their buttocks.

    Now PLA, a modern and well trained force. They will show their pricks to the Americans.

  38. @ RB

    I would believe this to some extent in LKY's era. I don't believe in this shit anymore. <<

    I agree, times have changed since,and the "newer-new guards" (PAP ver 3.x stable and PAP ver 4.0 beta) have different styles, but doctrinally not much has changed.

    Singapoe may not be so "garang" with the USA (S.E. Asia's bestie abang-adek relationship) as when LKY was Emperor, but sg.gov has no problem exerting The Red Dot's sovereignty to even the USA---a trusted Mat Salleh ally and "partner".

    KS proved this when he went to Washington to tell the Yanks that sg.gov controls the content of speech, media etc. because it is the "best system for Singapore".

    The subtext there is "Eh, we know how to do lah. We are a constitutional sovereign republic, similar to you. I came here to tell you how and why we do what we do. I didn't come here for you to tell us how to do it."

  39. @ Mat,

    "KS proved this when he went to Washington to tell the Yanks that sg.gov controls the content of speech, media etc. because it is the "best system for Singapore".

    KS proved that he had no choice but to take a trip to US of Ass in order to cover his own ass. Period.

    There has been only one system promulgated by the PAP - the LKY Dictatorial System. How do you know it is the best system for Singapore where there has been no other systems existed for comparison, since "independence"?

  40. @ 948:

    Every smart politician knows how and when to cover his own ass lah. This is normal and expected behaviour. Humans are POLITICAL animals, because political-nature is just an extension of humans being a social species, with big QUIRKY brains.

    If you want a micro-model of global politics, just look at your experiences in office politics. Notice how people "cover their own ass" there...right in front of your face. Maybe you've had to do it too. Most of us have. No biggie lah.

    If a phenomenon is within the realms of normal human behaviour then it shouldn't be a surprise.

    There is no system since independence to compare it to. Lee Kuan Yew's PAP wrote the fucking gospel on Singapore governance lah. And the Sheeple have supported it for over 50 years. Ergo, it must be The Bestest System in the Entire Multiverse...because the PAP says so, and they keep on reminding every man, woman, child and even the unborn and the dead.

    Haven't you yet realised that in Singapore Logic Is Flexible and is a "top-down" actionable idea.

    You disagree? Great! However the majority of Singaporeans state time and time again at the ballot-box, that flexible logic is OK, govt control of people's lives is OK, censorship writ large is OK, and the occasional character assassination, jail, fine or crippling lawsuit of dissidents and rivals.... perfectly ok

    PAP's consistent argument boils down to "oo lui?" or "bo lui?" You want "oo lui" then you vote PAP lah. But the PAP oso $ingaporean so (by logic) they oso want "oo lui". In fact, the state, oso $ingaporean by $ingaporean in nature oso, very big time OO LUI!

    Everybody was kung-fu fighting...

  41. Sham is a liability if PAP wants to show its caring, presentable face.
    He is everything a turnoff. I puke everytime his face is in the news.
    But when you are a weak effiminate boss, someone else has to take charge.
