
Tit for Tat against the Americans

In a tit for tat reaction against American sanctions and expulsion of its diplomats, Russia has ordered hundreds of American diplomats out of its Embassy in Russia. Below is a report in Channel News Asia.

'MOSCOW: Russia on Friday ordered the United States to cut hundreds of diplomatic staff in retaliation for a new round of U.S. sanctions, and said it was seizing two U.S. diplomatic properties. Moscow's decision, which had echoes of the Cold War, was announced by the Foreign Ministry a day after the U.S. Senate overwhelmingly approved new sanctions on Russia. The legislation was in part a response to conclusions by U.S. intelligence agencies that Russia meddled in the 2016 U.S. presidential election, and to further punish Russia for its annexation of Crimea in 2014.'

The rest of the world must not let the world's number outlaw to dictate to them, setting the agenda of confrontation, sanctions and threats. The BRICS nations and the smaller countries in the UN must do the same, hit back at the Americans when they throw bricks at them. Do not be bullied by this outlaw forever. It is time to set the agenda instead of being led by the nose and be constantly threatened by this big bully.

It is time to stop this outlaw from ruling the world and bully the rest of the world. They are creating troubles all over the world to incite unrest and wars. They are in Venezuela, in Eastern Europe, the Baltics, the Middle East, Africa, Central Asia, Korean Peninsula, in the South China Sea, in the Philippines, in Malaysia and more. All the troubles in the world is the credit of this outlaw.

Russia should also freeze the assets of American companies to tell the outlaw that what it can do, Russia can do also. Other countries should do likewise. Malaysia, what are you waiting?

This tit for tat diplomacy can now be played by every country. You make the first move, you tit and they will tat. Countries that are not careful would see themselves embroiled in bigger problems and wars. With the Russians forming a military alliance with China, North Korea, Iran and Pakistan, there will now be many more ICBMs aiming at the American homeland. America would be a waste land should a nuclear war breaks out. So would be its closed allies like Japan and South Korea. Once an ICBM is fired, all would be fired with no time to loose. Any country that hesitated would have no chance to fire their ICBMs and would be turned into Stone Age.

This is a zero sum game when the end result is a big zero for all the nuclear powers.


  1. This tit for tat diplomacy can now be played by every country. You make the first move, you tit and they will tat.

    Tiok. But provided can tat back lah.

    If PAP tit the Sinkie opposition, can the opposition tat back at PAP?

    If PAP tit Sinkies, will majority Sinkies tat back at PAP by voting for opposition?

    So u see, tit for tat cannot apply in every case lah, u know, especially between unequals.

  2. AGC vs Li Shengwu

    The AG has filed an application in the High Court to commence legal proceedings against Li Shengwu for contempt of court over his Facebook post on 15 July this year.

    The AG noted that the post of Li came after a “highly publicized debate in Singapore” over members of his family’s allegations of abuse of power against Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong.

    On 21 July, AG issued a letter of warning to Li about the post. He demanded him to remove the Facebook post and to “issue and post prominently a written apology and undertaking according to the terms stated in the AG’s letter on his Facebook page”.

    Yesterday (4 August 2017), the AG issued a statement stating that Li’s post, which said that “the Singapore government is very litigious and has a pliant court system”, was republished widely in Singapore.

    ( Remarks: Whose fault? Surely cannot be LSW's fault!)

    AG's statement also noted, "Mr Li has failed to purge the contempt and to apologise by the extended deadline", which is of 4th August 2017.

    (Remarks: How did he knows LSW has failed to purge the contempt? He snooped into LSW's private posts in his Facebook account?).

    Consequently, AG filed the application in the High Court also on 4th Aug 2017.


    1. Expiry date was on 4 Aug 2017; filed application also on 4 Aug? Got logic or not? At least wait another 3 days lah. File on Monday 7 Aug also not too late what? Normal legal practice, usually give three to seven days grace period, right or wrong?

    2. Why the hurry? Want to show efficiency also not like that what? This is called over-efficient, is it not? )

    LSW's Response:

    Li Shengwu said that he had responded in writing to the AG. He confirmed that he was asked by the AG to take down his original post and put up an apology prepared by government lawyers by 28 July, but extended to 4 Aug 2017.

    “I don’t know whether or not this will resolve the matter. There should have been no matter in the first place, and I’m surprised that the AGC chose to escalate the dispute,” said LSW on Friday (4 Aug), in an email response to queries from Yahoo News Singapore.

    LSW said that he was surprised that the AG had sent him a “threatening letter” that called his private post an attack on the Singapore judiciary. He stressed that he had actually intended to comment on the “litigious” nature of the government and how this affects press freedom.

    “It is not my intent to attack the Singapore judiciary or to undermine public confidence in the administration of justice. Any criticism I made is of the Singapore government’s litigious nature, and its use of legal rules and actions to stifle the free press,” LSW said in his Facebook post on 4 Aug.

    He explained that his intention was to convey the restrictions on international media in their reporting on the Lee saga, and the different legal rules with respect to press freedom in Singapore as compared with countries such as the United States.

    LSW noted that an “unauthorised screenshot” of the post had been taken and then published by several media outlets, including Singapore mainstream media.

    “No one who published or republished my private post had approached me to clarify what I meant. Curiously, the Singapore media had time to seek statements from a Senior Minister of State and the AGC, but did not even do basic fact-checking – they inaccurately reported that the post was taken down, because they did not bother to contact me.”

    He added that he had amended his July post to avoid any “misunderstanding”.

    Asked if he intended to continue writing social media posts on similar issues, he replied, “I regularly write commentaries on current affairs to my Facebook friends. I will continue to be frank and honest with them.”

  3. BTW Singapore just expel one US spy.

    >Study at havard
    >promote globlisation

    Confirm asset for US state department.

  4. Tommy Koh said in Straits Times Saturday column "Is Singapore a small country?" that "It is a fact that in this money-loving world, money is power. Let us look at the yardstick of the size of a country's foreign exchange reserves. Singapore has the world's 11th largest foreign exchange reserves."

    But where does this reserves come from? Unlike other countries with natural resources like oil and other mineral resources, these reserves of Singapore come in part from the retention of our CPF money and high consumption taxes - the latest glaring example is the whopping 30% hike in water price.

    Is this the real reason not to return our CPF money at 55 and the frequent increases in the CPF minimum sums and the withdrawal age - to build and maintain high reserves to punch above our tiny weight in the international political arena?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Ah, all this international wayang doesn't faze me. There is a possibility that Trump and Putin are "play acting", colluding with each other to "shake up some shit".

    Blackhat and DEFCON 2017 (world's most famous hacker conferences) ended in Las Vegas only 2 weeks ago. This is where the govt spooks and Dark Net criminal elements all pretend to "play nice", get to meet each other...and everyone tries to hack each other's phones, computers, what have you. Like kids playing...dangerous games.

    One of the features this year was the "Voting Machine Village"---a series of contests to see who can effectively hack voting machines. And the findings: these machines are inherently INSECURE


    Cyberwarfare between countries is a real thing. The Americans, Russians and Chinese hack EVERYONE and each other. India is in the game too...and so are many other cuntries.

    Back in May, Snowden started releasing Vault 7---CIA stuff including there mind-boggling arsenal of potential cyberweapons. The CIA and NSA, along with the Israeli's and the UK's GCHQ have way too much power and way too many resources to do "evil" if they want to. Who can blame the Chinese and Russians for not wanting to level the field and shit some shit of their own?

    If your enemy is having elections, you MUST hack him to cause as much disruption as possible, and introduce as much chaos as you can to his society. This is war. You must do it...at least to see what will happen and how he will react.

    ...and so the stuff continues. The MSM will continue to report very poorly on this. The hacker community however, is charged up and buoyant as the saying The Geeks Shall Inherit The Earth (a play on "the meek shall inherit the earth") is turning out, day by day, to be TRUE.

    You should see what's going on in the algo trading space....but that's for me to comment on another day.

    Enjoy the weekend. Sleep in blissful ignorance!


  7. Haha....

    The Tiny Well shall dry up soon.

    Foreigners remit back as much as they make in Sin and tgey DO NOT have to contribute to CPF.

    Those that bought properties here are renting them to others and similarly remit the money back to their homelands to buy and build bigger properties. Many bought lands back home.

    This profuse bleeding of the Tiny Dot shall deplete much of what the Pioneer and Senior Generations have slogged for in the Past.

    As rightly said; there is nothing to back up, EXCEPT TO SELL SIN.


  8. Trump signed bill to sanction Russia energy and financial business.
    Not for EU. If EU do not buy energy from Russia, EU will have to buy from US: Price is 3 times higher. Putin asked 755 US embassy staff to leave. EU did not follow against Putin.

    Remember Ukraine overthrew pro Russian president and put in pro west Kiev. Russia quickly took Crimea. Germany did not financially help Kiev s Ukraine. Ukraine has one big part called Donbass. Months ago Donbass declared as a Republic. US and EU supplies arms to Keiv to fight Donbass. Artillery bombing to Donbass continues.
    Remember M17? US never wanted to present the air photo at the moment of shooting down M17 to rebut Russian s air photo.

    Russia s weapons are selling well. It sold Su35 to multiple countries including Indonesia. The new Russia T14 tanks can detect object 5km away and fire through 1 meter armour 2km away. Most Nato arms are old stuff. Russians s fighting force is not what Nato wants to touch. EU also depends on Russia on energy. US this time cannot control EU.

    In previous war 1962, India asked Russia to help against war with China. Russia had no resources to help. In the current situation, India seems unable to ask Trump to assist in war against China at highlands. India as US ally is by talk. US cannot help India. So question is: can US help other allies, Japan, Taiwan, Skorea, and little usa?

    India FM Swaraj said India is prepared to fight but prefer to resolve diplomatically. China will use easy money diplomacy again? China has issues 6 statements since 3 Aug. Giving money to India, seems unlikely. Fighting is best no go at both sides.
    China s soft reaction tactics is a contrast to Russia Putin s quick action in Crimea. Putin simply took Crimea and Obama could not do any thing. Nato was similar, prefer talk, US Obama also preferred to talk. Thats ends up Crimea is part of Russia.
    When US sanction signed, Putin asked US embassy to scale down. It was a decisive move again.

    How long will China India keep talking on the freezing mountain? By September, the temperature will be unbearable. It Russia fight with Nato, do readers expect China to go to its aids? Or the other way round?


  9. it is indeed very interesting and exciting living in Singapore

    there is still a lot of kpkb kpkb and kpkb everywhere you go

    hahaha........but the masses seem to be very happy

    hahaha........where got problems......hahaha.......

    don't forget......70% had ok-ED to PAP

    so..............sorry, only lan-lan........

  10. Small countries can not do the tit for tat thing Kar as it will invites regime change.

  11. Little red dot is not a regional hub?

    HSBC is building regional HQ at KL center, Huawei is locating regional HQ in Malaysia, Broadcom is moving distribution center from yishun to Penang.
    Red dot needs to open up CECA for more master and doctorate degrees holders to get jobs at $1000pm, no CPF, no NS. Foreign big firms will be surprised.


  12. Russia, Iran, North Korea and China should have an Alliance called Action No Talk Only.

    ANTO to counter the Shits from the Americans, what Talk Only No Action - NATO.

    This will bring a halt to their meddling in other countries affairs.

    That's why I said end of coffee festivals and beginning of sweet potatoes festivals.

  13. That is why a nuclear war is going to be a 'new clear' beginning for mankind.

    But the cycle will be repeated again and again. From innocence, mankind will automatically progress to greed for money and power and to self destruction. No one can avoid that.

  14. Li Sheng Wu has denounced the Attorney-General’s Chambers move to begin contempt of court proceedings against him as “politically motivated prosecution”.

    In an email response to Yahoo News on 5 Aug, LSW said, “The AGC’s letter directly mentions Singapore’s recent political crisis as justification for their action. I thought Singapore was better than this.” He added, “I will not buy a quiet life at the price of my integrity.”

    In an interview with Reuters on 5 Aug, LSW said that he had "no intention of going back to Singapore to face charges."

    On 4 Aug, AGC announced that it had filed an application in the High Court to commence committal proceedings against LSW for contempt of court over his Facebook post on 15 July this year. In his private post, the 32-year-old junior fellow at Harvard University had said that “the Singapore government is very litigious and has a pliant court system”.

    In its July letter to LSW – which is being circulated online – the AGC had said that the republication of his post was an “entirely foreseeable consequence” given that he is the grandson of the late Lee Kuan Yew.

    It also noted “the timing of the Post, coming shortly after a highly published debate in Singapore, including the Singapore Parliament, in respect of allegations by members of your family against the Prime Minister of abuse of power, and your postings publicly supporting your family.”

    “The highly inflammatory nature of these assertions…directly contradict Mr Lee Kuan Yew’s values and the judicial system which he spent his entire public life upholding and defending, and would therefore be very topical,” it added.

    ‘AGC has misunderstood me’

    LSW, who is also the nephew of Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, reproduced his letter to the AGC online on Saturday. Dated 4 August, the letter claimed that “AGC has taken my post completely out of context (and) misunderstood me”.

    In the letter, he explained that his post was not meant as a criticism of the Singapore judiciary. Instead, he was commenting on how “the Singapore government’s litigation against the international media acts as a censorship to the coverage of the international media”.

    LSW again stressed that his post was a private one and that it had been circulated without his permission. It was then reproduced by mainstream media outlets such as The Straits Times and Channel NewsAsia, none of which approached him for verification or clarification.

    “Instead, the mainstream media articles capitalized as newsworthy comments made on 16 July by Senior Minister of State Chee Hong Tat that he was ‘disappointed with’ my actions and on 17 July by AGC that it was looking into my post, making my private post public news and widely circulated.”

    LSW added, “I am not responsible for the widespread and unauthorized publication and republication in Singapore of my private post.”

    Noting that AGC’s concern appears to be the public reproduction of his private post, LSW said, “Perhaps AGC should require the mainstream media and other parties who made my private post public to delete and remove their unauthorized publications and republications.”

    On 4 Aug, LSW also said that it was not his intention to attack the Singapore judiciary, stressing that his post was private and not meant to be circulated. He also told Yahoo News Singapore that it was the AGC that had “escalated” the dispute over his July post.

  15. "The measure of a man is what he does with power." Plato

  16. "The price good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men." Plato

  17. "Courage is knowing what not to fear." Plato

  18. The Public and the Opposition has been prodding that LHL must sue LHY and LWL if they hurt the integrity of the PM of Singapore.

    So, in order to justify their Integrity and the Justice of the Courts, they have to wayang to get a chicken for slaughter.

    Unluckily, this LSW as just a what's they called a Junior Fellow and the lowest ranking in the Lee Family became that chicken for slaughter.

    That's when two lions and tigers and hyenas fight. A monkey happened to interfere in between will be the scapegoat to be killed by them in order to justify their proven false principles of power.

    So, if Little USA is not careful, it will also become the scapegoat to be abandoned and hangbun the balls as in the African Video for rape.

  19. For Amos Yee, good for him that he now safely resides in a land home to (the Statue of) Liberty?

    For others may not be so fortunate and some residing in preceived pariah states such as DPRK face constant surveillance even if it is merely waking up at 4am to go to the toilet ...?

    Such is the paranoia of the state and its so called internal apparatus, sparing no efforts even if (pathetically) some perceived movements emanate from their own shadows ...

    Fear under such paranoia governance tend to give way to sympathy for the parnoids, people who supposedly put fear in people but are trapped in fear in their own boLEEs 24/ 7/ 365 that they probably jump or shriek at the slightest movement of even insects such as ants, lizards, cockroaches in the surrounding ...?

    Free but yet paranoid prisoners trapped and locked up in their own boLEEs and fried minds ...?

    Heard from some uncles in coffee shops saying that IMH patients even monitor and try mount surveillance efforts on insects around them in their paranoia berserk minds ...?

    Won't be surprised if such people even shit in fear or paranoia worrying some hands underneath them may protrude from the toilet bowls to grab their balls or ...? Ha ha ha ..... Not everyboLEE so pervertic like Donald Duck in thinkjng of grabbing other people's "xxxxx cats" .....?

    Meanwhile, one more min of living in a pariah state such as DPRK, one more min of suffering and torture ...?

  20. From TRE:

    City of Trash

    I am a local, born and bred in Singapore, I recently came back from overseas after working for several years. We have a free shuttle running in the estate to take us to the mall. As I am still unemployed, I decided to head out to the mall using the shuttle. On the free shuttle, I see many Indians and Chinese but all the languages I could not understand. These people are from India and China. On a shuttle bus, 80% are foreigners and most of them are old grannies.

    I am thinking, they want Singapore to be vibrant like New York, 10M population into this tiny red dot. For years, I have heard from my local friends while I was overseas, they are importing talents. Who are these talents. The time I came back, I concluded these talents are mainly from third world countries such as India, China, Philippines, Myanmar et cetera. This concludes to why I heard all these strange languages on the shuttle. But again, are these grannies also talents? The govt keeps saying we are an aging nation, birth rate is very low. But from as far as I see, I could see a large chunk of old folks who came with their families. So are we really tackling aging? For Canada and Australia, once you are over 40, it is difficult to migrate there.

    A technician came to install my fibre broadband, local man from Singapore. He told me his industry has been taken over by Indians from India, the rate per installation is really low and not sure how his company can survive. Massive import of cheap labour to suppress labour cost and end up killing the local man on the street.

    People I met have been telling me the economy is very bad and it is very hard now. After importing so many foreigners and converting them into PRs and new citizens, our economy over last decade has been stagnant? Productivity was said to be zero or negative. Are these imports really talents as branded by the government?

    I walked around the estate, I found many foreigners roaming in the afternoon, mainly old folks. Sometimes I saw them throwing rubbish onto the floor and let their child pee in the public, I feel strange. Not to mention, the few times I was trapped in the MRT and LRT due to faults. Something is wrong somewhere. Is this the “New York” that our government is planning?

    A number of local friends I met are unemployed and told me they can’t find jobs. I am too unemployed but I just came back. Heard the situation is quite bad, especially if you are local, you actually face discrimination in your own country. Some of them have been unemployed for years despite having good qualifications. And was told all the government employment programs are only for show. It is a strange country, foreigners get jobs, locals eat dust?

    The last thing that irks me most was FB circulating a story where Macpherson is charging less for new citizens. It looks like as an old citizen, I have become second class.

    What I like to conclude is Singapore will never be New York with these third world migrants. This is proven with the poor economy and bad productivity since the last 10 years. So I would not call Singapore a city of hope or New York of the East but a “City Of Growing Trash”.

    Would you agree with me?

    Kan Seng

  21. From TRE:

    Sick and tired of being made second class citizens

    Singaporeans are sick and tired of being made second class citizens in their own home.

    We thought we had made it clear in 2011 that we want the rampant immigration and the social problems it causes to be rolled back, but it seems that after the 2015 elections, the PAP are back to their old ways.

    When I first moved into my estate 20 years ago, I remember being greeted very often by my local Singaporean RC chairman and his members. They were always so helpful and anyone who talked with them felt at ease. National Days back then felt genuinely patriotic. We would gather and sing songs over food with neighbours from all the races, Malay, Indian, Eurasian you name it!

    But as the years go by, I saw my RC members less and less. Some retired, some moved out. New committee members replaced them. In recent years, I even see an increase in RC members of questionable nationalities joining.

    These days when I walk into my RC, I can no longer hear the graceful melodies of Teresa Teng being sung by our local aunties! The Karaoke Rooms are quiet, and the meeting rooms are quiet. RCs these days are more like places for people to ingratiate themselves with the PAP MP and their volunteers. Even these volunteers, many of them are unashamedly new citizens!

    Where has Singapore’s Gotong Royong spirit gone?

    I saw this picture and felt inspired to lament the passing on of Singapore’s golden generation. We are really living in desperate times.



  22. Facebook post by Lim Tean.

    Unacceptable for RC to favor new citizens over Singaporeans

    As a native born Singaporean , I am personally most offended by what happened in McPherson over the Open House Organised by the RC.

    For this scandalous incident to happen in a PAP ward will lend weight to the suspicion of many Singaporeans that the PAP favour New Citizens over indigenous Singaporeans . Even before this scandalous incident, many Singaporeans already felt government policies discriminated them in favour of New Citizens and that they had become refugees in their own country.

    I am not against New Citizens but I demand that all Singaporeans be treated equally!

    I do not accept the reasons given by the RC for this scandalous incident. Grassroot leaders should have known it was highly insensitive to have treated Singaporeans in this manner. And given the huge influx of New Citizens into our country , their advisor which was Ms Tin Pei Ling herself should have ensured that the RCs in her constituency treated all Singaporeans, including New Citizens, equally . Merely saying that she was upset over the incident is a totally inadequate response.

    What do you think?

    Lim Tean.

  23. Eyes pasted envelop @ Anonymous August 05, 2017 12:22 pm

    //it is indeed very interesting and exciting living in Singapore

    there is still a lot of kpkb kpkb and kpkb everywhere you go

    hahaha........but the masses seem to be very happy

    hahaha........where got problems......hahaha.......//

  24. From TR Emeritus:

    Li ShengWu not returning to Singapore

    Li ShengWu, the eldest son of Mr Lee Hsien yang, has indicated that he will not be returning to Singapore to face possible charge of Contempt of Court.

    In an interview with Reuters, Mr Li reportedly said that he would seek to defend himself through legal representation in Singapore but would not be returning to the country.

    I have no intention of going back to Singapore. I have a happy life and a fulfilling job in the U.S.

    The 32-year-old is currently an academic at Harvard University and is expected to commence an assistant professor position with the university in the fall of 2018.

    Mr Li had, during the famiLEE feud saga commented that his family has plans to leave Singapore for good.

    In the last few years, my immediate family has become increasingly worried about the lack of checks on abuse of power. The situation is now such that my parents have made plans to relocate to another country, a painful decision that they have not made lightly.

    His parents, Mr Lee Hsien Yang and Ms Lee Suet Fern left for Hong Kong 2 months ago and is believed to be still there.

    It is indeed ironic and sad that the descendants of the late Mr Lee Kuan Yew, have to ‘flee’ the country in fear of perceived/supposed persecution from their own family members.


    1) http://www.tremeritus.com/2017/06/14/what-has-happened-to-lee-kuan-yews-values/

    2) http://www.tremeritus.com/2017/06/14/son-of-lee-hsien-yang-joins-the-family-fray/

    3) http://www.tremeritus.com/2017/08/05/agc-to-commence-committal-proceedings-against-li-shengwu/

    4) http://www.tremeritus.com/2017/08/05/li-shengwu-will-not-be-returning-to-singapore/

  25. Yesterday I was passing Kranji Primary School. There was this school bus just outside the school and the children were alighting from the bus. I stopped as they were forming up in front of me along the narrow pathway. As the children came down from the bus, one by one, then it hit me that everyone was an Indian child. The whole busload of about 30 was Indian children all wearing the school uniform and about the same age group. I have never seen so many Indian children together at one time. Even the staff, driver and whatever were all Indians.

    They were from the same school. Were they from the same class or same level and out on a school picnic or event? Why not a single student from the other races? could it be that it was an event organised for Indian children only, a cultural event?


  26. Sinkies from the time as British subjects, under the Japanese and as Malaysians and finally as what's independent nation as Singaporeans only cared for their own liviehoods.

    Just like the Chinese anywhere, my well being is utmost important.

    My survival comes first. So they do not give a damn whether they are as independent Singaporeans or been under the British, the Japanese or under the PAP.

    As long as we are comfortable, well with monies, the country can be under the Ah Nehs or whatsoever race, we don't give a shit.

    Just let me enjoy my wealth and well being.

    There's nothing much I can help my fellow beings.

    Do you think they will also help me??


    So, whether all bus loads of foreign lords or not, don't bother as long as they don't bother me.

    They in time will be like Ojka been lead to the Slaughter House.
