
Dear Leader, We love you

The annual ritual in North Korea to pay homage and respect to Kim Il Sung has been going on for several decades and would not go away. The North Koreans truly love their Dear Leader for his great contribution to the building of their country and to give them a good life, peace and tranquility, low cost of living, cheap housing when freehold landed properties likely to cost a fraction of what Singaporeans are paying for a car. Free medical, free school, and many other free social services.

Yes they don’t have all the gadgets and all the luxury goods you find in Orchard Road. They do not need to keep building the Towers of Babel to accommodate more and more people, to maximize the use of our limited land and resources, limited water supply and practically zero energy sources, only to want to bring in more people to increase the population. This must be the only good reason why Singapore exists, the reason for Singaporeans to continue to work so hard, to build more towers into the sky.

Let’ say the North Koreans have different priorities. Life is simple and decent, no mad rush, no need for everyone to get a degree to live decently. We just discovered this secret to life, that it is silly to spend a life time struggling to pay hundreds of thousands for a worthless piece of paper. There is no need to have a degree to live well. Our ministers have been telling the daft Singaporeans not to be obsessed with degrees. Kim Il Sung’s Korea already been doing that decades ago.

What’s the point? They really, truly love their Dear Leader. At one time many daft Singaporeans were laughing themselves silly at the North Koreans for lining up in the streets to pay their last respects to their Dear Leader, to cry like babies for their Dear Leader, to build silly monuments for their Dear Leader, to want to commemorate their Dear Leader, to want to remember their Dear Leader.

After 23 Mar, I think many Singaporeans understand how important is the Dear Leader to them. We are doing exactly what the North Koreans are doing today. True or not? Can we now appreciate the North Koreans a bit better and stop laughing at them if we do not want others to laugh at us for loving our Dear Leader so deeply and so zealous and enthusiastic in wanting to build more monuments to remember our Dear Leader? Their love for their Dear leader is as real as our love for our Dear Leader. Would anyone want to claim that the North Koreans are fake and we are the real stuff?

Is loving and honouring Dear Leader such a bad thing, to be mocked at as silly, brainless and unthinking people, that only the illiterate and poor farmers of North Korea will do?  Singaporeans are intelligent and thinking people, pragmatic and sophisticated, and should not be indulging in such silliness of the medieval age of kings and emperors?

Should not Singaporeans be proud to show their love and affection for Dear Leader and wear it as a badge of honour, of pride on their chests?

What do you think?

If Singapore wants more monuments for Dear Leader it can send missions to North Korea to learn from them in this area.  Our multi million dollar talent’s most able skill is to go on missions abroad to learn from other less talented people that are paid only a pittance. The North Koreans are really paid only for a song, but they are really good at building monuments. There are many things we can learn from them. We have many things in common.


  1. I saw the news that they are coming out with erasers with potrait of the unmentionable.

    "Erasers"? Hahaha. After decades of erasing opponents, still trying to erase meh?

  2. The bad news is they are not letting daft Sinkies forget their dear leader.

    The good news is that Aung Juan Soon Chee may hopefully be there to spice up the parrot cage ie Parliament.

  3. Of course he was a Dear Leader what.

    If not, how u explain the spontaneous 24 hour queues for days to pay their last respects to him?

    And of course Aung Juan Soon Chee is a failed politician what.

    If not how u explain why after he became SDP leader, he and his SDP candidates always lose elections? And some more always get less than 40% of the votes?

  4. Bukit Batok voters:
    Please make sure nothing changes for another 50 years.

    Please vote for;

    No money in bank account
    No fun
    No job
    Less sex (why else is birth rate falling?)
    2 years of life threatening work at below market rate salary (National Service?)

    CPF money does not belong to you.
    HDB flat does not belong to you.
    Car does not belong to you after 10 years

    Please make sure your children enjoy the same benefits over the next 50 years;
    Same benefits as what you have been enjoying over the last 50 years.

  5. The good news is that they don't seem confident enough to stand on their own merits.
    They feel that their legitimacy to rule comes from the Dead One.
    And they can only continue to win by riding on the coat tails of the Dead One.

  6. I have to thank Old Fart for letting me make $40M in property. Now I can retire and relax.


  7. This Is Nothing! This Is Nothing!

    Only in North Korea? Singapore also lah.......

    "Dear Leader We Love You"!
    "Dear Leader We Love You"!
    "Dear Leader We Love You"!


    We must not lose tp

    In Singapore, we also..........

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.


  9. (correction...very sorry)

    This Is Nothing! This Is Nothing!

    Only in North Korea? Singapore also lah.......

    "Dear Leader We Love You"!
    "Dear Leader We Love You"!
    "Dear Leader We Love You"!


  10. Lee Kuan Yew (an avowed agnostic/ atheist) himself would be horrified and pissed off if he were to know that the cuntry which he played a part in building is now turning him into a DEITY.

    I feel a new national SICKNESS is brewing: The MAUDLIN OBSESSION with famous dead people

    I hear there are "rules" in how you can use this dead dude's image. I won't be following such "rules" ๐Ÿ˜‚ I live in my world where I make up my OWN rules. ๐Ÿ˜œ ...And that won't be changing anytime soon.

  11. Leeligious king. Nation...nation king...temple...temple king ...one big common this two which is...big mouth swallow your tiny brain....take money happy happy...you so blessed you tiny brain

  12. He was already unofficially well known as the 'God of No Mercy'. They probably wants to elevate him to be 'God Mentor of the Heavenly Realm'. Little wonder they are warning Sinkies not to use his earthly name.

  13. ERASER, the not-very-good-ok-lah-so-so film from 1996. This film is 20 years old and it is still more "exciting" than the current exhibit at Red Box.

    C'mon youth of Singapore, what the fuck are you doing?

  14. Whatever,to me,nothing is as important as paying respect to my ancestor.

  15. I shall honour the butchers that slaughter the pigs to supply porks
    to the people.

    1. Ha ha ha

      There are "6" in the wonkers party?

      The chief "butcher" is Mr a Teochew ?

    2. But they "slaughtered" papigs, not pigs?

      But all the same?

      Let’s "send" the next (pa)pigs in "Mount Buttock" to the abattoir and "grind" it onto "minced porky" for "ingredients of bakchormee" for the masses welfare?

      Pls dun be kongcum and take the above-mentioned literally. .....

      They are meant as puns and analogies / metaphors / smilies ......


  16. Bukit PhuaTow residents are also very very respectful of their ex-leader....

    "David David I Love You"! "David David I Love You"!


  17. double-edged sword for Dr Chee to so prominently campaign on the themes of openness, accountability and transparency.”

    Resident Peter Lim, 60, also said a candidate’s track record matters to him, citing an incident during the 2001 General Election where Dr Chee defamed Mr Goh Chok Tong.

    “Why must we choose someone who has already proven he cannot control his temper?” said Mr Lim.


    And and and...lunjiao must be as clean as Mr Lee or Mother Theresa

  18. AnonymousMarch 21, 2016 10:50 am
    //Resident Peter Lim, 60,............//

    Or should it be: " ( papig )Resident Peter Lim, 60, ...

  19. PaPigs never polish popiah so can be political King you know

  20. 60 years old and has a brain of a child. that's the leegacy they are continuing


  21. Resident PAPig Lim Ah?

    Chee cannot control temper as principled people see injustices, they cannot control tempers.

    Unlike PAP pigs who are hypocrites and cannot control their dicks.

    You must have been fed continously doses of PAP propaganda that now you are so dumb to worship them.

  22. Common sense will tell u: where big money earned from GDP flowed into pockets of the monument figure related cronies, and the authority demand the common men who earn nothing or little from the GDP big jump, to bow to the monument figure, what will happen?

    The common men bow when the authority s hired men are at the scene. The common men splash paints on the monument when the hired men are absent.

    It is happening in corners of Taiwan.
    How long can the playbook on dear leader continue? Another 50 years?

  23. Common sense will tell you that they are targeting the school kids. Who use eraser nowadays? Their intention is to 'burn' the image of this man into the kids brain at early age. For whatever purpose they have.

  24. Judge Jeanine's Warning To The GOP: "Your Scorn For The Will Of The American People Is Mindboggling; Be Very, Very Careful"

    If only Singaporeans could speak out the way Judge Jeanine is allowed to speak out in America.
    /// The patronage games and the free ride on our backs are over. You're not listening. For us, it's not just an election – it's the selection of Supreme Court justices and the direction our country takes for generations.

    We don’t want anything more than what our Founding Fathers intended. The slippery slope into socialism doesn't work for us. We want an America where law enforcement, the military and our allies are not the enemy.

    Boys, your arrogance is astonishing. And your condescension and scorn for the will of the American people is both mind-boggling and reminiscent of another time in our history.

    From the beginning, we knew this would be a political revolution. Be careful boys, be very, very careful. You don't want to make this a different kind of revolution. ///

  25. I always cannot stand RB enshrining N Korea, a regime of shit. The whole fucking country is phallus worshipping.

    So long anyone come out from fat kim cock, when he woo ha woo wa having orgasm, that person will be talent.

    In Singapore we still can KPKB and fuck Kuan Yew. In N korea, RB will be shot and whole family send to slave camp.

  26. I always so good things about N Korea. How can I be shot there?

    Why you have so much hate against a people you don't know, who did nothing to you?

  27. Korean despise Chinese and even their own China Korean. North Korean claim the whole Changbai Mountain and China finally got their head straight, and tell Korean off.

    Worse is S Korean, who claim their entire manchuria, saying that China swallow up Kokuryeo.

    There is a huge cover up of China in Korean soldiers atrocities in WW2. They are more fucking wicked than Japs.

    Korean soldiers in Vietnam are asshole and everywhere they go they kill and rape. The USA wow the Koreans zone of being so pacified.

  28. Hi RB, if you are so pro-N Korea, why you do not go and live there. Give up your red Singapore passport, take out your CPF and become a multi-millionaire in N Korea. I thin there are many in Singapore who would come to Changi to wave goodbye to you and see you go.

  29. Perhaps you will not be shot there. But who knows you will be in long time jail and face media interview for getting a NK kim sovineir? or get radiation poisoning because of an unfortunate accident over some kind of missile test fire....Hahaha..

    And the best part is they will accuse you of being a spy because you are a foreigner.... Dun forget if you take NK airline or flying in NK.... you probably are not covered by insurance or SOS....i think. Good luck... Supporters of Kim?

  30. I am neutral to N Korea. I dunno them and I have no reason to hate them. I just can't stand unthinking people who did not know them and hating them just because they read the media that were out to smear the N Koreans.

    Nature gave you a pair of eyes to see, a pair of ears to hear and most important, a brain to think. Do not let the brain go to sleep.

    Read Jeff Brown about the false flags and misinformation that the western media have been feeding to the daft Asians and the unthinking of the world. It is better to be neutral, be objective and with some reservations when talking about things we don't know.

    Do not jump to conclusions or be made to think in a way people manipulated you to think. It is so pathetic and silly to be made a fool of and walking around thinking like one.

    Think for yourself.

  31. Why so sensitive? People using perhaps, who knows, probably....

    Apologize if you take it so seriously....The truth is there is too much unknown and precisely we dun know them and their way of life down there.... who are we such as to pass judgement. Maybe you should be really be a bit of "really" more neutral instead of just abusing this word.

    All books are the same. You ask yourself this why writer writes book? Why only mentioned one book, should not you be quoting more books in order to be neutral at the very least.....Just because you like or agree on this book... then you said it is more objective.

    Who is jumping at conclusions? By being defensive, you cannot be neutral.

  32. Some mainly western trained minds are quick to suggest one will get shot by NK for saying something against their dear leader. I think RB is not this type of mind.
    How much can u trust the mouth who auto fire at NK when its name is mentioned.
    Some also has this almost IQ200 logic: if u like NK, goto live there. There are 2 decisions. 1 is like NK: Cannot meh? To some western trained mind, this is not morally correct. Why? Its RB said: brainwash, angmor told them not correct. So easy to wash the brains? May be some are easy some are not easy.
    The other decision is: If like NK, go there to stay. Is there such decision of u like there u must go there? Some western trained minds have such suggestions for people. Why these 2 types always seen in po? These minds dislike opinions different from their own.
    Free speech? Hardly people really understand what it is: when face with action. If someone likes heaven, will he go for it? The dear leader is there. They will not.
    RB is correct. NK people have the rights to live as they are. If they do not have nuclear weapon to scare US, the Kim would have been gone.
    China is not the protection force on NK. Kim knows it well. Its their survival under US pressure: NK do not follow US, it will get the pressure from US. As a neutral party, i hope they live their way of lives.

    If NKoreans become refugees, it will be hell break loose for SK and China. The NK neighbors know best. Not US. US will be pleased to see NK becomes the mess like iraq, and many in mid east. Singaporeans better learn with a clear mind. RB is right.

  33. There are many Michael Jacksons here. They want to bleach the colour of their skins but cannot do so. They are hating the colour of their skins.

    RB, please don't offend them.

  34. Just my thoughts...

    Nobody hates the North Korean People...please do not mix up kim and the people.

    Even China also dun want NK to have nukes......China also not stupid.

    So you dun listen to Americans, would you listen to China then....

  35. The PRC love USA and see so many PRC elites send their kids to harvard. Who sent their kids to North Korea, Unversity of sycophant/maggots/boss carrier/phalus worshipper?

    These brainless people here think N Korean want to live like an idiots today. Just give them one day tour in New York, shopping in Walmart, eating Mcdonalds, and tomorrow, Fat Kim will be assasinated.

    People here support shit.

    Veritas hate shit and I will fuck fuck fuck.

  36. AnonymousMarch 21, 2016 12:53 pm
    //Common sense will tell you that they are targeting the school kids. Who use eraser nowadays? Their intention is to 'burn' the image of this man into the kids brain at early age. For whatever purpose they have.//

    Aiyo ....?

    Can print into $1,000 and $10,000 notes and give it to mee? Ai need to be "brain-washed" too .....?

    C'mon, dun be "cat cat so stingy"?

    Print in on $1,000 and $10,000 notes?

    Ai will stuff into mind pillow and sleep with them every night?

    Ai will stuff some in mind wallet and look at them everyday?

    Ai will put a few pieces in mind pocket where ai put tissue/ handkerchief and everytime I go toilet or need use tissue paper, I will be reminded ......?

    C'mon, dun be cheapo and be more generous?

    When (pa)pigs can fly?

  37. Veritas, do you hate the North Koreans?

  38. How many here ever have a chance to interact with NK meimei or ์•„ ๊ฐ€ ใ……์‹œ?
    Hearsay evidence is not evidence.
    ๋ฐ” ๋ณด.

  39. You see a smelly shit there and do you want to eat it so that you can verify it is not delicious?

  40. There are many Michael Jacksons here.

    The truth is if this is the case, they wont say sinkie land dun have talents.

    Sinkie land govt will open everything it can open (leg, mouth, nose...etc) to welcome this type of foreign talent. Can you say the same for your case, most likely you go into US as a illegal immigrant which trump wants to throw you out.

    Sigh... Pity RB...surrounded by clowns... Instead of helping, pour more oil into fire.

  41. Not very sure about MJ ...... but ......

    Glassloot-loot Lao Chios yes ....?

    Watch video below: Teo Ho Ping dancing and frolicking among lao Chios with "gangnam" and dancing "better" than MJ?


    Who is pouring "oil" ( into the "burning fire" down there below the crotch )?

    Ho Say Ka song song liao .....?

    Huat ah For Aung Juan and Prof Thambiyah?

    Mount Buttock ( BB ).....?

    Next time mb ( BP ) ....?

    All SMCs and SDP GE 2015 "territories"?


  42. Dont further make a fool of yourself. You want to be stupid, dun pull RB into it and degrade the whole blog.

    It is all about money.... What dance you are talking about? These MP have how many roles?
    The case chairman i think break world record.

    1. David Ong has already did ( make a fool out of himself )?

      And not forgetting WL?

      Michael Piak-mer?

      Remember ( the song ) "Tell Laura"?

      Who is shouting "่ดผ"?

      The "่ดผ" himself?

  43. N Koreans do not need gadgets and luxurious goods.

    Indeed !

    They only need to live in peaceand harmony and be happy with their leaders.
    Why is Veritas having problem with
    North Korean Rulers?
    How much does he knows about the North Koreans; be it the people and or
    their leaders?

  44. Veritable, I think you have offended anon asking for his Daughter. You now sound like Matilar

  45. Why sinkies and RB doggies are so stupid?

    Veritas, why don't u give me your daughters and let me fuck her to see whether it works or not

    you are leaving questions open ended? some more dare to speak up for NK and China.


    RB you are right, some people got brains but dun use ...

    1. U also right?

      Some papigs dun use their brains?

      They use their ......?

  46. Some IBs are getting very defensive?

    Why ah?

    Why so "flustered" ah?

  47. I guess you have not seen the world or work in big org.

    Dave Ong and Mike are just the peanuts. They will be forgotten.

    The Point is PAP can push out many many more DO and Mike. and 70% or more will cont to accept them.

    Work harder and smarter next time to get into that level of position to see the plan view lah.

    1. If so the 70% eyes paste stamps must follow them ?

      Geylang so many thugs why dun u oso go join since many supposedly do so?

      What and where is your logic?

      U got brain but never use?

    2. AnonymousMarch 21, 2016 6:49 pm
      //I guess you have not seen the world or work in big org.//

      So which big org u work in?

      Got balls to tell?

      Or just talk big big but down there maciam towgay?

  48. I guess it is not flustered but excited to see the level of intelligence of the type of people coming into this blog.

    Can see that China and NK (Asia) got no hope...sigh...

    1. Somebody said he seen the world?

      So u been to NK?

      Which part of China u been to?

      China about 9,699,900 sq km ...... do u know?

      Now like one "small snort" ( coined by famous Taiwanese writer Li Ao ) only 718 sq km?

      Your comment already gave away your own level of intelligence?

      Own self check own self?

      Own self grade own self IQ?

      U better faster pee on the floor and look at your own image reflection?

  49. Maybe it is the other way round, 30% eyes paste stamps? Why you say is the 70%?

    If Geylang got so many thugs, of course i dun go there and join them lah. Maybe those joining is less than 1% or 0.001% or even less.

    Now where is your logic?

    Proves again who got brain but never use????

    1. Exactly!

      Why should one join the 70% even if there are many there?

      Heard abt the ( stupid ) buffaloes herd mentality?

  50. @ March 21, 2016 6:56 pm

    Why dun you tell us yours and tell us your IC and we check and revert?

    How about that? Hahaha..

    How can someone be so stupid to come out with such request

    1. When u boast like that then u should come clean and ADMIT u oso small fly and mb now dun even have a part time job ....?


  51. You read again?

    Who say he has seen the world?

    1. AnonymousMarch 21, 2016 6:49 pm
      //I guess you have not seen the world or work in big org.//

  52. Boasting... No need to come to that part.

    Most cant even argue logically.. and some more cant read.

    1. AnonymousMarch 21, 2016 6:49 pm
      //I guess you have not seen the world or work in big org.//

  53. You see the point is you cannot even stick to one subject and keeps changing position.

    How to argue South China Sea belongs to China with such level?

    It is disappointing!

    1. Who is the "you" you talking abt when there is so many?

      Who is a moron?

      Pls, u are shitting and soiling MSN ......and mb that's your "intention" right?

  54. Guess you have not seen the world, does not mean i have seen the world but maybe certain parts. Even if i do does not mean i live there. Living there /seen it/ work there all got different meanings.

    Get it.. Like the US talking about UNCLOS but itself is not a signatory country......

    I am teaching a kindergarden school child

  55. Rb, u r rt?

    Sinkieland liao liao .....?

    NO hope liao .....?

    Even IBs so moronic and low intelligence?

    Sinkieland no hope liao ....?

    Even IB lagi JLB?

  56. Then you got to check with RB who is the blog owner on what it is intention loh?

    BTW, for all i know i could be talking to one person only entertaining the whole lot for free..... Nvr mind, today good mood...so free of charge. It was interesting.

  57. Cannot even argue properly, logically, factually online alone and all doggies seek RB master to seek protection.

    1. Ha ha ha

      U can run to your papigs master and get a shoulder to roll down your tears .....?

      We at MSN understand .....?

      No worries ....?

      Can oso run to some lao ้ธก boo and hide under her skirt now .....?

      We at MSN won't "sneer" at your cowardice or spineless existence?

  58. I already mentioned my purposes and still got people cont spouting.....

  59. Aiyah folks, N Korea represents one of the last bastions of pure socialism/ communism, and they've barely hanging on. Nearly everything they have is directed to their military...under the successive "Kim regimes" they just cannot lose face.

    The day will come when the rule of the Kims comes to an end, and they'll run out of money....total collapse, economic failure, perhaps a coup or severe social unrest, and maybe, just maybe new leaders will come to the fore and reform N Korea into a market economy.

    When E Germany shed its last shackles of Marxist political dogma and became part of liberal-democratic Germany they flourished and prospered. The same is happening in Myanmar. It happened in Vietnam and China, under Deng Xiaoping.

    As soon as N Korea reforms, there will be shit-tons of money pouring in, not out of "pity", but because true-blue capitalism can't wait to get in on the "bottom floor" to make a large financial killing.๐Ÿ’ฐ๐Ÿ’ฐ N Korea, TRILLIONS in minerals

    At the moment there's lots of BLACK MARKET activity (hey man, people want to make money) but no proper CAPITAL MARKETS are functioning. Once that changes, the place will go BOOM!

  60. Change is definitely afoot in N Korea. Thanks to its millennial defectors.

    I've mentioned an idea along similar lines before. Anyone in state authority born before 1980, should quit their job and retire, or go into the private sector. Hand over the world to THE MILLENNIALS. They like to make money and are good at it. They also care about people and the planet.

    Time to kick back and let the kids run the show. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿฝ

  61. Talking about Germany, commenting or blogging in sinkieland should be taken with same spirit as domestic league football competition, as an analogy?

    After "fierce" domestic competition among the league teams, the domestic league competition "rivalry" dissipate into thin air when World and Euro Cups competition come by .....

    We argue ( and blog, comment among ourselves ) but come external events etc, we are "Team Sg" as mature sinkie beans should be?

  62. Why don't all of u just shut up. Long live Kuan yew. Long live lky.

  63. A spectre is haunting the papigs, the spectre of being "trashed" in "Mount Buttock"?

    1. Rise "Mount Buttock-ians" and unite, u have nothing to lose except "the shackles on your ankles, the chains around your necks and the handcuffs around your wrists"?

  64. Voters at Bukit Batok may like to put
    SDP Chee Soon Juan, a pro US Politician, into Parliament for Drama
    Effect as mentioned by Matilah Singapura.


    1. Why are u discrediting Aung Juan Soon Chee?

      Any ( hidden patraitor-tic ) "agenda"?

  65. Why don't all of u just shut up. Long live Kuan yew. Long live lky.
    March 21, 2016 8:05 pm

    Die already lah!
    Still want to Long live lky.
    Live so long for what?

  66. Bukit Batok is going to be remembered as the Chee by-election.

    1. Yes?


      It all started from someboLEE's "CHEE" or "cheesebuy" anyway?

    2. Otherwise where got "cheese buy erection"?

      Chee by-election?

      Or "Chee Bye Election"?

      Or "Chee Bye Erection"?

      Or "The Chee Buy the Election or Erection"?

  67. RB , I suggest you change your platform to not allowing these people to post their comments using "Anonymous". Why ?
    These bloggers dare to post their opinions but dare not to identify themselves . Come on , let us know who you are and not hiding and concealing to write nonsense . At least Matilah $ingapura , Patriot and Veritas ; just to name a few have the balls and dares to identified themselves . The rest 90% of do-not-know-who....identify yourselves .

  68. @ AhKong65:

    It's ultimately RB's call since it's his blog.

    However I don't agree with your sentiments. We are all---to varying degrees---"pseudo anonymous" on the net i.e. unless you are using strong crypto and VPN connections which do not "leak" identity info, everyone's origin is traceable. Just follow the digital breadcrumbs everyone leaves when they post or do any internet activity.

    Google's "anonymous" is not really anonymous. See this article.

    Google's pseudo anonymous posting gives commenters a FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY and thus they tend to write with more "bravado". IMO this is more emotionally "honest" as people think they are protected so they just let their opinions fly with very little self censorship or poor impulse control .

    I support personal choice. Use a registered nick or post (pseudo) anonymously...to me it makes no difference.

    As for "writing nonsense", this is the internet. 99% of it is nonsense. Even from well-known and clearly identified users. If you need proof, just go to Facebook. ๐Ÿ˜‚. People post fucking pictures of their FOOD, and narcissistic selfies of their butt-ugly mugs for fuck's sake. ๐Ÿ˜–๐Ÿ˜ฉ 100% wasting time.

    In real life, I don't have a Facebook account. I can't stand social media. I consider it a cancer of modern culture.

    Zuckerberg gets richer from people wasting their precious time. Just before those Facebook motherfuckers die, I hope they get a chance to reflect on all that time wasted on Facebook. Too late. ๐Ÿ’€

  69. Anonymous IS anonymous..whatever trace you can muscle lah because what you can't SEE...you can't 100% suka suka humtum...only the garbageman can anyhow humtum lah

  70. Ah kong 69,

    How can one been caught red handed and still try to wrap the fire with paper?

    During the Qin Dynasty, the Emperor and his "running dogs" also taught they have absolute power and mess up the cuntry big time .....?

    Respect is earned, not forced down the throat .....?

    Ah Kong often is an old wise man, not a DOM ( dirty old man ) ......?

    After being exposed ( in Mt Rodents ), still acting righteous?

    1. *spelling typo ..... should be "also thought"

  71. An old ah kong but with the wisdom and moral values lesser than a new born?

  72. The more all these wisdom-less ah kong tried to wrap the fire, the bigger the fire gets?

  73. @ AhKong65March 22, 2016 12:31 am
    //RB , I suggest you change your platform to not allowing these people to post their comments using "Anonymous". Why ?
    These bloggers dare to post their opinions but dare not to identify themselves . Come on , let us know who you are and not hiding and concealing to write nonsense . At least Matilah $ingapura , Patriot and Veritas ; just to name a few have the balls and dares to identified themselves . The rest 90% of do-not-know-who....identify yourselves .//

    You call yourself ah kong but your intelligence worst than 3-yo?


    1) Even RB cannot guarantee and take an oath that he did not post anonymously for the past 10 years since he started MSN, right?

    2) The names u mentioned are quite obvious that they are also "guilty" of posting anonymously so what makes you think they are so "upright and forthcoming" in identifying themselves in every post and did not do so anonymously?

    3) That’s why people are losing respect for IBs and "garbagement bcos garbagement are just garbagement" and even IBs intelligence are as good as "garbage"?

    4) Your call to RB to disallow anonymous posting is as good as to ask him go "fly kite"? Imagine u go to any office or shop and ask the boss cannot do this and that? Might as well tell them straight in the face to shut their business and become "bankrupt"?

    5) Who do you think you are to suka suka "order" people do this do that? Then can you provide RB another alternative source of income and pastime or whatever he needs down the road? Otherwise if RB is affected in anyway by listening to you ( which he is smart and obviously probably not ), then would you be responsible for all the ramifications and consequences? You cannot rule out how fast physical and/ or mental health of oldies can decline rapidly if some things dear to them is affected? If that happens, would you be responsible for it?

    6) Is there anything or custom or culture that mandates or dictates that an opinion cannot be made anonymously? In a "police state", how else to express opinion or to get people to express their opinions?

    Your comment has totally discredited yourself ( and your masters ) and the little bit of credibility left in many readers might have evaporated with your latest ( silly, bo-Nao, ter-Nao ) comments?

  74. And one more thing "baby-nao" ah kong, the names u mentioned need to post anonymously .......?


    Bcos at least their anonymous posts are read by some readers who will "siam" all the posts by some names bcos to them, some might find a TOTAL waste of time reading their posts ( knowing the garbage and nonsense these people would write time and again )?

    Ai, mee, wo, wa, wu especially skip all the posts by some commenters cos to ai, mee, wo, wa, wu, all these comments are "garbage" but they are entitled to their comments and post them while some readers will "siam" them TOTALLY?

    So these people at times may need to post anonymously so that readers dun automatically mentally "ALREADY DELETED " such comments by certain people every time they come across one?

    Many readers probably know who ai, mee, wo, wa, wu, sa-ear talking about whose posts will be "MENTALLY DELETED" and skipped as fast as the mouse can be scrolled down .......?

  75. It would be good if everyone would use their own nick or identity. For this I agree with the PAP, that one will post more responsibly when they are known elements.

    This does not say that everyone posting anonymously are posting rubbish. Some have very good reasons to post anonymously. Some are just IBs and paid spoilers that are worse than maggots, no dignity and no self respect.

    Everyone should respond only to those that are really engaging in a discussion and not throwing smoke grenades to distract the discussion. I simply ignored those that should be ignored.

    I also refrained from deleting the rubbish that the fools are posting as record of their foolishness for eternity. One day they will regret their silliness here when they grow up to be responsible people, to know that there is such thing called self respect, doing decent things and not snoopy staff that they themselves are ashamed to be known to have done them.

    Light will triumph over darkness. Goodness will triumph over evil. It must be.

  76. Rb // I also refrained from deleting the rubbish that the fools are posting as record of their foolishness for eternity. One day they will regret their silliness here when they grow up to be responsible people, to know that there is such thing called self respect, doing decent things and not snoopy staff that they themselves are ashamed to be known to have done them.//

    Uncle RB, r u referring to comments like "Mee Sam mai harm"?

    "Every shoe is a gud shoe"?

    "What's looooooong correcting more monkeys "?

  77. There are people who Attack ideas and there are people who Attack people....the former change or rubbish the world...the latter just turn the world into blood.

    Sinkies have an over inflated or fake self dignity and self respect bordering on inferiority complex really and that's the reason why they constantly need to assert their....superiority or self righteousness or in the pursue of excellence.

    Everything sinkies touch turn wayang and soon...food turns bad

  78. @ 1032

    » There are people who Attack ideas and there are people who Attack people «

    Ok. Good premise. There people who also do both, to varying degrees. Personalities in our species come is all shades and hues.

    » Sinkies have an over inflated or fake self dignity [...etc...] «

    ๐Ÿ˜ณ WTF? Now you attack people, after condemning people who attack people. The word "Sinkies" BTW is derogatory.

    Bro' dis' the internet lah. Anything goes. Just attack lah...dun care for what or who...it's all FUN ๐Ÿ˜

  79. "the former change or rubbish the world...the latter just turn the world into blood."

    you will find that the most inferior people are those who need to build towards heaven and sit right at the top

  80. papies type attacks people...amos who got slapped is an attack..if you generalise ..the "slap" is not personal and may include your parents or the fathers

  81. The bloody cheebyes at ASS also never posted a link to the vid.

    Click to watch the disgusting/ scary motherfucking video: bit.ly/1Rwwf0V Download/ share make the fucking thing explode the local internet and set it on fire.

    Is this what is happening in kindergarten? This is psychological CHILD ABUSE pure and simple. ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

    Update: In case the vid is delete for whatever reason, it is permanently stored on my cloud drive. Download and share please: https://goo.gl/gj4RrI

    Remember, this is CHILD ABUSE. Get angry. Do something.

  82. Cut and paste the bitly link. bitly doesn't like its links encased in HTML tags, for some reason. bit.ly/1Rwwf0V

  83. Monkey see monkey do?

    All the same?

    Starting from all the laoahpeks, ugly hideous smelly DOMs ......

  84. If you want to be morally right, you have to look at yourself in the mirror first. I think that's what RB trying to say.

    Tio bo?

    1. Tiok?

      Do you see an old haggard spinleless faggot fart looking back at you from the mirror?

  85. // AnonymousMarch 22, 2016 12:07 pm
    If you want to be morally right, you have to look at yourself in the mirror first. I think that's what RB trying to say.

    Tio bo?//


    Vote for promiscuity?

    Vote for can play with say a senior police officer's wife lobang since senior officers also play with other people's wives lobangs ....?

    Only human beans to err mah?

    Kena caught red handed just say being human beans mah?

    Like that can?

    Pls vote for your wives lobangs kena slurp slurp poke poke dig dig Piak Piak bang bang nehnehpok kena squeeze like balloons, only human beans to err mah?


    Now got BBC lagi better?

    Lagi tuakee to season your wives lobangs big big for you to enjoy?

    Like that can?

  86. @ 1212:

    »Do you see an old haggard spinleless faggot fart looking back at you from the mirror? «

    Hmmm...they don't look "spineless" to me! ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    Please lah, get over your homophobia! ๐Ÿ˜Ž

    Live, and let live lah. Can or not?

    ...and join the rest of mankind in the 21st century!

  87. @ 1245:

    Oh please...is that your best shot? An insult directed at me? for fuck's sake, try harder lah

    Get with the present day lah. It's happening all over the place, yeah man, reality OLDER GAY MEN...in Hong Kong and even in mainland China.

    Are you ready to join the rest of humanity in 2016? Or are you still living in 1916?

    1. Good?

      Pls show video of your old colorectal organ being wacked by a tuakee FT ....?

  88. @ 1245:

    » Too late to delete liao cos already made many copies .....? «

    Hahaha...what a solid idiot you are. Did you inhale the fumes form your mother's smelly vagina at birth, so much so you got chronic brain damage?

    Get real. Old gay guys are living amongst you. You might even have one in your family. But with an attitude like yours, you will HATE them for being something they had no control over, and something that they live with quite well.

    Got reality, motherfucker?

    1. Good?

      You are the most "intelligent" siAo ting Tong?

      Pls show video of your old colorectal organ being wacked by a tuakee FT ....?

  89. Why people like to sold their parents here.. Hahaha... Ahhh... Sinkies.. Scold the father of Sin... Hahaha

  90. //Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️March 22, 2016 12:51 pm
    @ 1245:

    Oh please...is that your best shot? An insult directed at me? for fuck's sake, try harder lah//

    Oh ..... is that so?

    You certainly sound "VERY CALM and NOT AGITATED AT ALL"?

    "Superb control"?

    But dun choke on the next spexm shoot into your mouth, ears, nose, colorectal organ all at the same time by old faggots?

    Enjoy their companies in your amidst?

    Ha ha ha

  91. @ 103:

    » But dun choke on the next spexm shoot into your mouth, ears, nose, colorectal organ all at the same time by old faggots? «

    WOW! One day an "old faggot" might be the doctor saving you or your family member. Please repeat the above to him in a display of thanks and gratitude. ๐Ÿ˜‚

    And heaven forbid that an older male in your own family happens to be gay. That shit will tear ☛ Y O U ☚ apart emotionally, and you will deserve every tormented moment of your self-created hatred.

    Enjoy your deep seated hatred! ๐Ÿ˜‚

    1. What hatred?

      In your siao ting Tong mind?

      It's a "joyous occasion" instead to "REJOICE" in unison to see old faggots multilate and tear, rip apart your old colorectal organ in a gang bang orgy on a siao ting Tong sadist and yet only a siao ting Tong grimace in "ENJOYMENT"?

  92. @Anonymous March 22, 2016 - 8:04am

    Another "Anonymous" talking cock-rubbish again. Says who "order" people to do this do that ? Read carefully what I wrote, I said "suggest"....so my suggestion become an order to you. Go and have your eyes check son .

    Yes, agreed with Matilah $ingapura--we are all pseudonymous bloggers and are writing under a fictitous name of our own. At least when Matilah, Patriot,Veritas and even Agongkia blogs about his "mei mei" , we all knows who he is. We are able to follow what these gentlemen have written all these years and come to our conclusion . May not be their real names but at least their nicknames. Anyway I go along with Matilah if somebody or authority really wants to check and trace your identity, they can easily do so like snapping their fingers. You think you can run away and still hiding behind throwing smoke bomb? Come on, grow some balls if you do not even dares to at least comment under a nickname....or rather stays as "do-not-know-who-bloggers". Is your anonymity a matter of life-or-death situation to you. I do not think your comments and blogging is of such significantly importance.

    You presume I am an IBs and a garbagement intelligence and I am working for my master. Just let me re-align your weird and wildest thought, I am my own master and I likes to read and sometimes contribute some comments . Yes it is not mandatory that you cannot express your opinions as "anonymous" by hiding behind the smoke screen of anonymity and this only shows you are a chicken. Yes you are very right, a silly chicken has "no-Nao, tee-Nao and ko-song-Nao" with worst than a 3 years old intelligence. Do you really think RB's MSN after so many years can goes "bankrupt" without you and your "Anon" supporters.

    Just read for yourself what RB said; "Some are just IBs and paid spoilers that are worst than maggots, no dignity and no self respect". So which group you belongs to? You know I am writing under the anonymity fictitius name of AhKong65, do write me a line if you think otherwise .

  93. @ AhKong65:

    Well said, AhKong65.

    On the point of:

    »IBs and a garbagement intelligence «

    I seriously doubt that there is such as "thing" as an ACTUAL internet brigade. I think people's paranoia has got the better of them. ๐Ÿ‘ป๐Ÿ‘ป

    "Government intelligence"? To many world-weary people who are sick-and-tired-of-politicians, "Government intelligence" is an OXYMORON! ๐Ÿ‘ฎ


    1. Can it be more moronic than;
      'We should not allow it; the Death of 2 SMRT Maintenance Staff on the Track near Pasir Ris, to happen again?



    2. Can it be more moronic than;
      'We should not allow it; the Death of 2 SMRT Maintenance Staff on the Track near Pasir Ris, to happen again?



    3. Can it be more moronic than;
      'We should not allow it; the Death of 2 SMRT Maintenance Staff on the Track near Pasir Ris, to happen again?


    4. Thanks , Matilah. We are finally at the same frequency this time .

    5. Thanks , Matilah. We are finally at the same frequency this time .

  94. RB once said. Don't argue with a 3 season man. Just tell him he is right.

  95. Hi Patriot,

    I will allow your repetitive posts to stay this way. Actually I have written a short post on this but not enough meat to put it up yet.

    What you just quoted is going to be the most quoted statement by the ministers for a long time to come. 'We must make sure it would not happen again.' The same statement has been used by many ministers in as many ministries like sing song. We must make sure it would not happen again. Think Dominique, Benjamin, Kota Kinabalu, the daily train breakdowns, and what else must not happen again? Mas Selamat?

  96. Please lah.
    Minister cannot be around 24 hours.
    No one want such tragedy to happen and it is individual to take care of their own safety .Many of these tragedy can be avoided so we should instead learn how to take safety measures to avoid it instead of blaming others.

  97. It would be good if everyone would use their own nick or identity. For this I agree with the PAP, that one will post more responsibly when they are known elements.

    This does not say that everyone posting anonymously are posting rubbish. Some have very good reasons to post anonymously. Some are just IBs and paid spoilers that are worse than maggots, no dignity and no self respect.

    Hahhaha.... All crows are black...Why not let us know the real reason coming from your own mouth.....In order to be targeted, you also need to be qualified.

  98. Why you so racist? What is wrong with black?

  99. Because so far has not found a ? white crow....hahha. Some people are hypocrite in pointing finger but at the same time, 4 fingers pointing back.

  100. @ 339 & 346:

    If you see a white crow, you can bet with a fair amount of certainty that the crow is probably from East Asia.

    East Asians have a noticeable CULTURAL HANG UP about skin colour. Which is why SKIN LIGHTENING PRODUCTS are so popular, especially with the women.

    In the west, ashen white folks stay out in the sun (to the point of skin cancer) to get a "healthy tan", which is anything but "healthy".

    In Asia, non-white folks slather unpronounceable chemicals on their skin so that they can be "white". White is the best!

    Got self-loathing? ๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€
