
Are our taxi drivers professional?

How much would it cost from the Chinese Embassy at Tanglin Road to Redhill MRT station? The distance is about 2 km. This auntie took a Comfort cab and had to pay $4.30 for the trip. The distance registered by the cab is 3.5km. Receipt details: Comfort Transportation GST No. M2-0113048-4, SH 8135A. Trip No. 121010323 Start 10/12/2007 10:32 End 10/12/2007 10:40 Meter Fare $4.30 Have a nice day. The auntie is still fuming mad for being taken for a ride.


  1. Aiyah, in time people will just accept the rise in cab fares. as I said before—it's inevitable. S'pore has had too cheap taxis for too long.

    The world doesn't owe this auntie a living. It's only 2km. She could have walked... or was it 3.5 km? Still walkable. Or taken a bus. Sure she'd probably have to change bus.

    > The auntie is still fuming mad for being taken for a ride. <

    My hairy balls are laughing at her stupidity! ;-)

  2. eh, what you talking?

    this is about a 2km trip becoming a 3.5km trip unnecessarily lah. you know what it means or not?

  3. Eh, you think you talk to a goondo izzit?

    Every time you step into a cab, the driver asks you "Which way you want to go?"

    In other words, you are responsible for the fare on the meter!

  4. alamak, you been away so long that you don't know how to go from tangling rd to redhill mrt!

    would anyone what to take a big circle round mindef to commonwealth ave and turn back to alexandra road, waste time and pay more?

  5. At last, the fundamental truth of those preachings!

  6. > would anyone what to take a big circle round mindef to commonwealth ave and turn back to alexandra road, waste time and pay more? <

    Why the fuck didn't you say that in the first place you? Call yourself a reporter ah without presenting the relevant facts? All you show is some (apparent) receipt from some blur-cock auntie. The cab driver could have gone by lower delta road too lah. So many ways...Chow chee bai lah!

    Eh, don't teach your father how to fuck OK? I've live in the Tanglin/Holland area since birth. I know every longkang, every "short cut" in the area—even where the kampongs used to be.

  7. ha.ha..ha...huh,

    someone like to explain to matilah how to get to redhill mrt from tanglin rd?

    if i want to go to jb i need not go to kl first and turn down again.

  8. redbean, don't be a coward and dodge the issue.

    You were not CLEAR in your original post. What if some foreigner was reading your blog? He wouldn't have understood that the cab drive took the long route.

    Be a GODAMN MAN and face up! Everyone makes mistakes.

    You screwed up by failing to explain the CONTEXT of the facts you presented. You are journalist,and clear presentation is part of your job. But you are also a human and thus make mistakes, which is perfectly OK.

  9. eh goondo, my first two sentences mentioned about a 2km distance but the taxi took 3.5km. now, do they ring a bell? not clear?

    incidentally, all singaporeans will know that tanglin road to redhill mrt is a straight road with a little bend at the end. no need to make any turns or go round the world.

    for foreigners who are not aware, they could simply ask.

    boo, boo, boo, matilah : )got you didn't i?

  10. Take the case to the Hague lah!

  11. no, take it to soi cowboy. and matilah can be judge and executioner : )

  12. > for foreigners who are not aware, they could simply ask. <

    WOW. You've set a new standard in journalism.

    Give the Pulitzer prize for redbean lah!

  13. eh matilah,

    itu blog lah. bukan newspaper tahu. two way traffic, interactive.

    how i wish we are all journalists. then we can claim to be professional, accurate and factually correct.

  14. > how i wish we are all journalists. <

    Nah. I rather a media owner. Then factually correct reporting is optional ;-)
